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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater15 문장 삽입

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 26.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater15 문장 삽입 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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15 문장 삽입

글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Rather it is something [everyone has with or without education or training or virtue], something <to be left behind gladly> [when our souls escape from their bodily imprisonment].


Plato was not exactly saying that our consciousness (in the modern sense of the word) makes us immortal or even that consciousness itself is worth preserving. ( ) The focus on consciousness in the West is a peculiarly modern, philosophical issue. ( ) Plato himself was not so impressed with the ordinary sense of consciousness as a continuous mental monitoring, at least as compared with other kinds of mental actions. ( ) He thought of consciousness as just the background noise of our significant mental life, just the awareness that our souls are combined with matter, the awareness that we are “awake” or the monitor is “on,” so to speak. ( ) That was not a high-order process for Plato. ( ) Plato rather connected rationality with meditation (both in the sense of concentration and in the sense of entering an altered state of consciousness) as well as with practical reason and suggested that there was a philosophical value in meditation and high-order mentation.

*peculiarly: 특히 **mentation: 정신 작용


01. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

While the Green Revolution’s introduction of tractors and chemicals to Third World farming did increase crop outputs, it also decreased the need for human labor.


The industrialized world escaped famine over the last two centuries in large part by greatly expanding agricultural outputs through the use of technology and new farming techniques. Fertilizers, pesticides, tractors, and other mechanized farming equipment were exported to the Third World as part of the Green Revolution in the middle of the last century. ( ) Crop yields increased dramatically and many declared hunger extinct, along with the theories of Thomas Malthus. ( ) But the years that followed showed that the Malthusian catastrophe had only been temporarily delayed, and perhaps increased in its potential scope. ( ) A tractor and driver could do the work of one hundred laborers, which pretty much meant that every tractor introduced put ninety-nine people out of work. ( ) These unemployed streamed into Third World cities looking for work. ( ) Living at closer quarters and removed from their traditional social structures, their birth rates skyrocketed.

*catastrophe: 재앙


02. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Noise, instead, comes to us in a confused and irregular way from the irregular confusion of life; it never reveals itself entirely to us and keeps innumerable surprises in reserve.


Every manifestation of life is accompanied by noise. ( ) Noise is therefore familiar to our ears and has the power of immediately reminding us of life itself. ( ) But sound is alien to life, is always musical and a thing unto itself, an occasional and not an essential element, and it has become for our ears what a too familiar face is to our eyes. ( ) We are convinced that by selecting, coordinating, and controlling noises we shall enrich mankind with a new and unexpected pleasure of the senses. ( ) Even though it is characteristic of noise to remind us brutally of life, the art of noises must not be limited to an imitative reproduction. ( ) It will achieve its greatest emotional power in acoustic pleasure in itself, which the artist’s inspiration will evoke from combined noises.

*manifestation: 형태 **brutally: 가차없이 있는 그대로 ***acoustic: 청각의


03. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

The collapsed windpipe blocks air flow for ten seconds to a minute, leaving the sleeping person struggling to breathe.


If you think you sleep well but awaken tired or you know you snore, the first step is to investigate whether you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, a temporary pause of breathing, usually occurs in association with fat buildup or the loss of muscle tone in the neck associated with aging. ( ) These changes allow the windpipe to collapse during breathing, when muscles relax during sleep. ( ) When the person’s blood oxygen level falls, the brain responds by waking the person enough to tighten the upper airway muscles and open the windpipe. ( ) The person may snort or gasp and then return to sleep without any conscious memory of nearly suffocating. ( ) This may happen hundreds of times each night! ( ) An estimated eighteen million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, with the majority of these cases remaining undiagnosed.

*snore: 코를 골다 **snort: 훅 하고 콧바람을 내다 ***suffocate: 질식하다


04. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

This dissemination/homogenization process runs in all directions simultaneously; it’s not just top-down repression of individuality and peculiarity.


There is always a trade-off. ( ) As music gets disseminated, and distinct regional voices find a way to be more widely heard, certain bands and singers (who might be more creative, or possibly have just been marked by a bigger company) begin to dominate, and peculiar regional styles eventually end up getting suppressed, neglected, abandoned, and often forgotten. ( ) A recording by some previously obscure backwoods or southside singer can find its way into the ear of a public, and an Elvis, Woody Guthrie, or James Brown, can suddenly have a massive audience — what was once a local style suddenly exerts a huge influence. ( ) Pop music can be thrown off its axis by some previously unknown and talented rapper from the projects. ( ) And then the homogenization process begins again. ( ) There’s a natural ebb and flow to these things, and it can be tricky to assign a value judgment based on a particular frozen moment in the never-ending cycle of change.

*dissemination: 보급, 유포 **homogenization: 동질화 ***backwoods: 오지, 산골