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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 11 빈칸 추론 (2)

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 18.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 11 빈칸 추론 (2) 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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11 빈칸 추론 (2) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

One of the most significant differences <between not-for-profit sport organisations (at least those that participate in competitive sport) and business>                                                          . Commercial businesses may have many goals, but their main purpose is to maximise profits. For example, British Petroleum and Shell are fierce retail competitors, but in the same year they could both produce a profit, and claim it a success. However, a large annual profit might not seem like a success to a sport club if they finished the season at the bottom of the ladder. Sport club members and fans judge performance on the basis of trophies, championships, pennants, cups and rankings. It is important <to note [that on-field and off-field successes do not always go together]>. A sport club may bankrupt itself by paying high salaries for players and coaches in an effort to secure a championship. On the other hand, they may succeed financially but not perform on the field of play.

stems from where they get their budgets from

is the way in which they measure performance

lies in their policies on how to distribute profits

comes from the perspectives that they adopt in hard times

becomes evident in their strategies to enhance staff capabilities


01. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

All the languages of the world seem to have selected a set of round numbers. Why this universality? Probably because all humans share the same mental apparatus and are, therefore, all confronted with the difficulty of conceptualizing large quantities. The larger a number, the less accurate is our mental representation of it. Language, [if it wants to be a faithful vehicle for thought], must incorporate devices [that                                         ]. Round numbers are such a device. Conventionally, they refer to approximate quantities. The sentence “There are twenty students in this room” remains true even if there are 18 or 22 students because the word “twenty” can refer to an extended region of the number line. This is also why speakers of French find it so natural that “fifteen days” means “two weeks,” although the exact number should be 14.

*round number: 어림수 **apparatus: 기구

express this increasing uncertainty

support diverse linguistic abilities

enable us to overcome universal biases

help understand the basics of statistics accurately

convey concepts that are specific to a particularculture


02. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

[Even if some cultures (or every culture at some time or another) emphasize stability and tradition over change]                                                                      . Within a particular culture, its participants often disagree and attempt to steer that culture in different directions, thus generating change (that is, there is no perfectly uniform or stable culture), and even if some cultures attempt to isolate themselves from the outside world, all cultures are to various degrees open systems, and there is inevitable sharing and mixing of elements of different cultures. The ambient environment, in which all human cultures are situated, includes a variety of external factors (for example, climate changes and invasions and waves of immigration) that produce challenges, stresses, and fluctuations that push cultures into adaptive transformation. The timeless and pure culture is a myth and unrealistic aspiration and vision of the future. Even those conservative and traditionalist cultures we see in contemporary times have changed over time; religious fundamentalism, which attempts to anchor to an idealized past, is a modern creation with a transformative history.

*ambient: 주변의 **fluctuation: 변동

history reveals [that all cultures evolve]

gradual shifts can occur without human intervention

cultural advancement requires a complete disconnect from stability

recent rapid cultural changes have primarily beendriven by government efforts

accepting diversity allows us to jump right intothe next massive transformation


03. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Media manipulation of public opinion demonstrates the power of the media and the consequences of abuse. Media power is overwhelming in political, economic, and social fields — a media review of a new product can make it or break it, and plays and films can be destroyed or made by the media. However, in general, press power is exercised through its selection, treatment, and presentation of information. When media attempt in hard news to persuade using emotional rhetoric rather than fact, this constitutes manipulation. Similarly, when a journalist relies on an unsubstantiated argument without noting its weaknesses to produce a desired conclusion, he or she is employing techniques of manipulation. Reasoned arguments [that explain and persuade] do not constitute manipulation, but often,                                               . At that point, persuasion can become manipulation. According to Klaidman and Beauchamp, manipulation is “any intentional and successful influence of a person by noncoercively altering the actual choices available to the person or nonpersuasively altering the other’s perceptions of those choices.”

*rhetoric: 수사(修辭) **unsubstantiated: 근거 없는 ***noncoercively: 비강제적으로

subsequent arguments dismiss their logical justification

media presentations cross a line and inject emotional content

media technology assumes the role of shaping orguiding public opinion

media outlets provide platforms for publicdiscussions and debates

opportunities for emotional response amongmedia consumers are removed


04. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

There are important differences <between videogames and virtual worlds>                                        . The former tend to be structured around objectives — missions that players have to achieve by themselves or with others. These drive gameplay, with progress toward the objectives often being measured with points, level progression, or reaching the next chapter of a story. Videogames come in myriad forms and are continually developing in ways that reshape the medium, yet they share this characteristic. Virtual worlds, by contrast, are less structured spaces in which multiple players may come together to interact or build. Virtual worlds may incorporate games, but they are not primarily driven by the progression through levels and objectives. They are largely user driven experiences, often allowing players to generate their own content. Virtual worlds certainly have moral components, but these tend to be less overt and more easily avoided than in videogames that explicitly construct moral choices or that build narratives full of moral weight.

*myriad: 무수한

after players construct self-driven missions

when it comes to making moral evaluations

as players enjoy their freedom of expression

about how players resolve their inner moral conflicts

regarding which cultural norms should apply todigital worlds유형