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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 10 빈칸 추론 (1)

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 17.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 10 빈칸 추론 (1) 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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구안에 절이 들어갈 수 도 절 안에 구가 들어갈 수도 있다. 덩어리를 잘 묶어 보면 문장이 어렵지 않게 보이기 시작한다.

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고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다


빈칸 추론 (1) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

All media are internally multimodal and externally interrelated with each other. However, whether intermedial and multimodal aspects are acknowledged and encouraged or are instead criticized or perhaps even suppressed depends on the time and context. Therefore, mediated communication is also formed by ideas, ideologies and conventions. In Ancient Greek, for example, the word mousike refers to both what we would call poetry and what we would call music (song) today. In the centuries that followed the Ancient Greek period, these have been increasingly conceptualized as different qualified media types. And when Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2017, the decision was difficult to accept for those who insisted on a conventional border between literature and music. To others, the same decision highlighted the idea that poetry should be                .

    Written                 Analyzed

    Performed           Acclaimed



문학과 음악의 전통적인 경계 즉 문학은 쓰여지는 것 음악은 수행되어야 하는 것을 생각하면 밥 딜런이 음악가이지만 작가 화가로서 노벨 문학상을 수상한 것은 시가 공연되었다라는 것을 생각해 볼 수 있다.


Chapter 10 빈칸 추론 (1)


01. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

There has been a steady stream of studies <showing [how expensive ill-health is in industrialized economies]>: diseases, many of them preventable, occupational and traffic accidents and other risks we face are responsible for hundreds of billions of dollars in economic costs annually. Until recently, however, the same recognition has not been given to health risks in developing countries. With fewer hospitals and health practitioners relative to the size of its population, a typical developing country is likely to show far fewer economic costs of poor health. What we have learned in the last few years, however, is that this difference is            : the economic value of health is just as important in the developing world, perhaps more so. One reason is that ill-health causes a great expansion of caring labor at the expense of other uses of people’s time. The lesson is that, just because the costs do not show up in paid services, like hospital stays and increased workload for doctors and nurses, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Unpaid caring labor is real labor with real economic consequences.


 illusory              durable

regional              personal



ill-health 와 산업화된 경제 국가의 글 내용으로 건강하지 못함으로 인해 실제로 많은 경제적 비용이 발생한다. 빈칸 앞 문장은 개발도상국은 열악한 건강 상태로 인한 경제적 비용이 훨씬 더 적을 것이라 하지만 그것은 그렇지 않다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답이 보인다.


02. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

With art sales having turned into a multimillion-dollar enterprise, art historians now use scientific analyses to date and authenticate pieces of art. One recent case involving art dating, however, highlighted                  [that still exists between the philosophies of the arts and sciences]. A number of paintings, believed to be by the artist Jackson Pollock, were recently discovered in a storage locker, wrapped in brown paper. An art historian, who was an expert on Pollock, deemed the works to be authentic based on the artist’s distinct drip and splatter style and the artist’s relationship with the man who had kept the paintings. Yet a chemical analysis of the paint the artist used revealed that the paint was neither patented nor commercially available until after Pollock’s death in 1956. Neither side of the argument has fully been able to prove its claim, but both stand by their trusted techniques.

*deem: (~) 여기다 **splatter: 튀기기

  the wide gap                          the subtle connection

 the groundless debate           the ethical controversy

 the wrongful interference


미술과 과학철학 사이의 차이에 관한 글 내용으로 고딕체와 밑줄을 통해 답을 알 수 있다.


03. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

There is a (fine) line between humor and offence. Most of us like to believe that we know the difference and understand where to draw the line in terms of what we laugh at. Yet we are often surprised to find [that [where we choose to draw the line] differs from our friends, our family, our colleagues, and strangers]. As there is no universal agreement, understanding what it is right or wrong to laugh at has long been — and continues to be — contested. Much of the difficulty in identifying the rights and wrongs of laughter stems from its ambiguity. Moreover, what is deemed appropriate to laugh at changes from one generation, nationality, gender, religion, ethnicity and race to another. There is a(n)               to the acceptability — or morality — of laughter which shifts and changes, and it can be used to challenge social norms or embed them further in society.

*deem: (~) 여기다

resistance                consistency

commitment            attractiveness



유머와 모욕의 미세한 경계선 우리가 어디에 그 경계선을 그을지 선택하는 것은 친구, 가족, 동료, 그리고 낮선 사람과 다르다.


04. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Comprehension precedes production: young children who can understand multiword sentences may struggle to produce a two-word utterance. Children’s corrections of their own attempts are usually improvements rather than random walks, and children can be creative as they strain to                              . For example, children <making the transition from one-word utterances to two-word utterances> often begin by using one word and one gesture <to communicate two separate components of their intended meaning>. These observations show that when young children speak, the semantic target that they are aiming for may be clear in their minds even when the child’s utterance is not understandable to others, or when the child fails to produce an utterance at all. It is commonly said that language development is effortless for children, but it’s not true: children’s difficulties are just different from ours. One stumbling block appears to be the inability to successfully assemble sentences out of components that children seem to interpret correctly, according to their language’s grammar.

*semantic: 의미상의 **stumbling block: 걸림돌

use figurative language

give voice to their ideas

comprehend spoken words

stay curious about the world

 build their vocabulary through repetition


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