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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 12 함축 의미 추론

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 19.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다

12 함축 의미 추론

밑줄 친 to place the dots가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Creative work feels very similar to a giant game of connect-the-dots. You are searching for the next clue, the next hunch to follow, the next idea, and then suddenly a pattern snaps into place and the right path seems obvious. It wasn’t, and then suddenly it is. There is a lot of work left to do to finish the project, but an image is now fixed in your mind of how it’s all going to develop. The role of the leader in this process is to place the dots. Your job is to ensure that the team is exploring the right set of options, and looking in the right places for the ideas. You are not telling them what to think or how to do it, but you are ensuring that they are operating with the proper understanding of identity and role, functioning within the proper vision, and utilizing the appropriate skills in order to get to where the team is trying to go. You have to stay only one dot ahead of your team, but you have to be very clear about your expectations.

*hunch: 직감

to consider every possible risk and prepare for the worst

to foster a culture of collaboration and effective communication

to balance the needs of team members with those of the organization

to give specific and detailed instructions for team members to perform

to lay the groundwork and guide the direction for the teams creative efforts

01. 밑줄 친 let them breathe가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Curiosity requires uncertainty and uncertainty requires flexibility. If truth matters more than our beliefs, then we can choose to enter bridging conversations holding those beliefs more loosely, just for now, just to see what happens. It takes some courage — What if I’m talked out of a good thing and talked into an awful one?! — though personally, I find the opposite scarier and more likely: What if I’m stressing myself out fighting monsters that aren’t there? To be clear, I’m not saying that we let go of our convictions in conversation. Not at all. Only that we let them breathe. We let gaps appear around their edges without, you know, freaking out. Then we build the traction in conversation to present them and explore them, setting out not to prove something, but to learn something. If we were less afraid to hold our opinions loosely, could we consider new ideas more freely? We’re scared that bad ideas would win. OK, but what if the opposite is true? What if the good ideas, the ones that ultimately have the most power, are what would spread further, faster, instead? Isn’t that what good ideas, well presented, should do anyway?

*freak out: 기겁하다 **traction: 견인력,

deliver our thoughts more confidently andpersuasively

begin searching for more evidence to supportour convictions

engage in conversation with a more relaxed andopen-minded approach

acknowledge that even good ideas may notalways spread effectively

abandon our prior convictions and admit thesuperiority of opposing ideas


02. 밑줄 친 you miss 100 percent of the shots you dont take가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Teams sometimes decide on a target — they agree what they can achieve, and then that target becomes the standard; we’re happy when we hit 80 percent because that’s what we agreed last year. But what if you could achieve more than that? When you aim for 100 percent, you open the conversation to the greater discussion around “What’s holding us back?” When you aim for 100 percent, you start to think about innovation and continuous improvement, not just process improvement, about the many things that could happen to achieve more, better, different. You open the door to a discussion rather than self-censoring your improvement; we’re happy with this number because it’s the target, or worse still, we don’t even think about improving. Imagine the opportunity if you shoot for 100? Like the old saying goes, you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.

*self-censor: 자기 규제하다

You end up conforming to the strict rules of yourteam.

Setting small goals prevents you from achievinggreater success.

You overlook the significance of self-censoringin finding success.

You will miss many opportunities if you refuseto adopt new technologies.

 Acknowledging what you have already achievedis an important part of the process.


03. 밑줄 친 your brain is a moving target이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

What came first — the linguistically ignorant right hemisphere, or skilled reading ability? By now, most people who study human behavior understand that our biology and our experiences are so intertwined that it hardly makes sense to “blame” one or the other when trying to figure

out what makes you you. The answer is always a combination of both. For one thing, every single life experience changes your brain. Some of the changes are inconsequential and others are incremental. But on rare occasions, for better or for worse, a single event can change the way we work, forever. This is an important note to take, before diving deeper into the neuroscience of you. The fact that something about your brain causes you to think, feel, or behave in a certain way does not necessarily mean either that you were born that way or that it can’t change. The truth is that your brain is a moving target.

*incremental: 점진적인, 증가하는

The structure of the brain is fragile and can beeasily broken.

The brain’s role in language acquisition variesfrom person to person.

The brain is the most important part of humanbiological evolution.

The capacity and function of the brain is anemerging topic in neuroscience.

The brain is constantly evolving due toexperiences and other factors.


04. 밑줄 친 부분이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

The best thing about a skill stack is [that you probably already have one]. You just haven’t thought about it yet, let alone been able to recognize or discuss it. The first step in defining your skill stack is making sure you have abilities that work as counterparts and complement each other toward a specific end goal. For example, it’s easy to see how writing, public speaking, and acting can create a valid triple threat. Being a competent chef, a smart businessperson, and a capable communicator can be all you need to open a successful restaurant. Conversely, being a good public speaker, a decent guitarist, and a good chef might only make you a better-than-average waiter — and not bring you toward your desired end goal of owning a restaurant. And being able to type, tap-dance, and shell peanuts effectively — well, some doors may just not be open for you, except maybe circus administration.

*skill stack: 기술 스택(능력 집합체) **decent: 괜찮은

You won’t be able to achieve a goal unless youare sincerely passionate about it.

Possessing skills that are not relevant to yourfinal goal will not help you reach it.

The most meaningful experience might not befound by following societal expectations.

Stepping outside your comfort zone and venturinginto the unknown can lead to self-discovery.

Failure to attempt new things might makeacquiring the skills required for success more difficult.