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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 14 글의 순서 파악

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 25.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 14 글의 순서 파악 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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 14 글의 순서 파악

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Auguste Comte, a French mathematician and philosopher, argued long ago that the basis for the success of science was experience and observation. We now know that is only part of the story, albeit an important part.


(A) When we observe scientists, we find that they have developed a variety of practices for verifying knowledge — for identifying problems in their theories and experiments and attempting to correct them. While these practices are imperfect, we have substantial empirical evidence that they do detect error and insufficiency.

(B) They stimulate scientists to reconsider their views and, as warranted by evidence, to change them. This is what constitutes progress in science.

(C) Nevertheless, we can use this argument to remember that the basis for our trust in science is, in fact, experience and observation — not of empirical reality, but of science itself. It is what

Comte argued long ago: that just as we can only understand the natural world by observing it, so we can only understand the social world by observing it.

*albeit: 비록 ~이지만 **empirical: 실증적인


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)


01. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Perhaps surprisingly, prediction is the engine of action. This is because ordinary daily actions are caused by predictions of bodily sensation. They are caused, more precisely, by predictions of the flow of bodily sensations [that would occur] [if that very action were to be performed].


(A) <Predicting just [how it would look and feel to hit that perfect drive, or make a killer serve]>, brings that longed-for result about. But this is not a mere nod toward “positive thinking.”

(B) The predictive control of action thus has a kind of subjunctive quality. The brain predicts how things would look and feel if the action were being successfully performed, and by reducing errors relative to that prediction, the action or movement is brought about.

(C) Rather, it is a detailed proposal about how our brains control our bodies. The upshot is that successful action involves a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. <Predicting the detailed sensory effects of a movement> is [what causes that very movement to unfold].

*subjunctive: 가정법의 **prophecy: 예언

(A)-(C)-(B)                      (B)-(A)-(C)

(B)-(C)-(A)                      (C)-(A)-(B)


02. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

One aspect of leadership [that seems to be lacking in information] is [how leaders acquire information [that they need]]. Obviously they read whatever they can to remain current in their field, and discuss recent developments with other knowledgeable people.


(A) Even high energy, vociferous speakers can be acutely aware of their audience’s reaction to their words, right down to noticing a number of individual responses, such as vocal messages or body language, including posture, movement, and facial expression.

(B) But they do not overlook the valuable sources of information that surround them every day on the job. Leaders are careful observers! [While some people assume that only quiet meditative personalities have the ability to observe a great deal], this notion is false.

(C) These leaders have developed the ability to gauge the extent that their message is being conveyed and accepted, and may refine their technique or emphasis without missing a beat.

*vociferous: 목소리가 큰 **acutely: 예민하게

(A)-(C)-(B)                    (B)-(A)-(C)

(B)-(C)-(A)                    (C)-(A)-(B)


03. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

The Wardian case, a closed glass compartment for transporting living plants, was initially developed to capitalize on the Victorian taste for cultivating indoor plants but soon employed by scientists and collectors for transporting living specimens from place to place.


(A) He noted the preservative power of almost-sealed cases where living plants thrive without any further need for watering, and tested his hypothesis by sending a sealed case of ferns to Australia and back in 1833. The ferns did not need watering once.

(B) In essence he had discovered [that plants can create their own primitive ecosystem]. Ward took his idea to Loddiges, the English firm of nurserymen, who produced cases to his designs commercially.

(C) The case was invented by Nathaniel Ward, a medical surgeon of London, a keen amateur botanist and one of the founders of the Microscopist Society in 1839. He based it on the self-sustaining principle of an aquarium, in the development of which he had had a hand.

*fern: 양치류 식물 **nurseryman: 묘목 업자 ***botanist: 식물학자

(A)-(C)-(B)                  (B)-(A)-(C)

(B)-(C)-(A)                  (C)-(A)-(B)


04. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

In theory, two offspring per one pair of parents is enough to preserve the species. Yet, usually many more are born in order to compensate for offspring that will probably die before reaching fertility.


(A) Female fish that do not tend to their brood lay thousands of eggs, whereas an elephant has only a few young but cares for them very well. In both cases, if none of the offspring die before they reproduce, the population will increase in a manner that is proportional to the current number of animals.

(B) Juvenile stages are often vulnerable, and the animal may have to overcome illness and other life-threatening circumstances. The degree of “wastefulness” varies between species.

(C) This explosion of the population will eventually lead to a tragedy once all resources have been exhausted. However, by and large, the population increase is slowed because some individuals will fall prey to predators, cold weather, competition, drought, or stupidity.

*brood: (같은 때에 태어난) 새끼들 **juvenile: 어린 ***vulnerable: 취약한

(A)-(C)-(B)              (B)-(A)-(C)

(B)-(C)-(A)              (C)-(A)-(B)

