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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 13 무관한 문장

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 22.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 Chater 13 무관한 문장 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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13 무관한 문장 파악

다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The indisputable truth is [that automation, artificial intelligence and expert systems are now able to replace more and more jobs]. These automatons, smart robots and expert systems are not only replacing routine manufacturing, farming and mining jobs but an increasing array of more skilled service jobs as well. Just in the last few years, robots and AI computer programs have surged in numbers and sophistication. These increasingly capable machines and heuristic programs that more and more simulate the skills of “thinking humans” are moving into the service workplace. In industries like construction and agriculture, these automated machines and robots are enhancing the efficiency of manual processes. Such “smart systems” are replacing tax accountants, real estate analysts, auto workers, pharmacists, and those that carry out inventory control in factories and warehouses.

*heuristic: 스스로 해결책을 발견하여 문제를 해결하는


01. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Natural light has many health-related benefits and can feel mentally more satisfying as well. A lack of natural light has been documented to disrupt the body’s circadian rhythms, which are behavioral changes that respond to light and darkness in one’s environment. By disrupting our circadian rhythms, a lack of natural light can cause abnormal sleep patterns and also seasonal affective disorder, which results in multiple symptoms such as depression and lethargy. All of this means that without natural light, your body will be significantly less productive and energized. If you can, try to change your work environment so that you are exposed to natural light as much as possible. Uncontrolled natural light can lead to distracting reflections on screens and surfaces, potentially causing temperature imbalances in the workspace. If this is impossible, like if you work in an office that is windowless, you can buy natural light lamps that simulate natural light.

*circadian rhythm: (인체의) 일주기 리듬 **lethargy: 무기력함


02. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The control [that we feel [we have in our lives — our ability <to influence the factors [that affect us]>] ]— is more highly correlated to a sense of happiness than most other factors, including how much money we make. This is not surprising, given the idea of “learned helplessness” in animals, a concept conceived through experiments in the late 1960s. If animals are made to feel that they have no control over their environment, they exhibit many of the symptoms that we associate with human depression. In this respect, humans are different from animals in that we often experience a sense of satisfaction when someone takes control on our behalf. When we feel that we have little control, we are tense, anxious, on edge; we generally feel off balance. Over longer periods of time, lack of control can evolve into feelings of depression. Some evolutionary psychologists have suggested that the foundation of religious beliefs is the human desire to feel in control, rather than surrender to the notion of randomness and meaninglessness in the universe.


03. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The growing consumption of sugar from the eighteenth to the twentieth century can be explained not only by the reduction in price but also by a change in dietary habits. Because sugar was now more widely available, it could factor into the composition of an increasing number of food preparations, sometimes becoming the primary ingredient. The nineteenth century saw the invention of jam and chocolate, and all kinds of candies. Stores that specialized in the sale of candies and other sweets began opening in a number of locations. Their customers consisted of many adults, of course, but also quite a few children. With growing health concerns, sugar was being replaced by other alternatives, such as artificial sweeteners, which caused another controversy. These latter grew accustomed to eating sugary foods and became great consumers of sweets, which were used not only as special treats and gifts but also in child rearing, as a reward or as an inducement for good behavior.


04. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

As mathematics became more powerful, it became apparent that, although randomness was by definition unpredictable in terms of the specific outcome of a single event, it behaved predictably over the long run. So, for example, we can’t say what number will come up when we throw a (fair) dice. It could be anything from 1 to 6, but we do know that each of the numbers should come up around one-sixth of the time. In reality, we experience singular, unexpected events, such as accidents and near misses, and wonder why these things happen randomly to us, attributing them to bad luck. So, after a large number of throws, we would expect each of the faces of the dice to have been thrown approximately the same number of times. We can’t predict a specific outcome, but we can predict long-term behavior, and the more an event is repeated, the more accurate that prediction becomes.