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EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 chapter 4 글의 제목

by 케미1004 2024. 7. 11.

EBS 2025학년도 수능완성 유형편 04 글의 제목 문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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01 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Self-awareness is a foundation for your journey, but for a potential leader, the secret <to long-term success> is <to build upon your self-understanding> <in order to achieve self-mastery>. Too many lack self-confidence or find the obstacles too big. They give up their quest too soon and ultimately fall short. But history shows many, many examples of others who persevered against all odds — and became authors of their own lives. Before you can persuade others to follow, you must focus on building up your strengths, relentlessly improve your performance, and conquer your dangerous weaknesses. Again, there are no guarantees in life — but you won’t know for sure how successful you will be until you give it your best effort.


Failure: A Stepping Stone to Success

How to Increase Your Self-Awareness

    Ways That Self-Confidence Can Help You Thrive

    Turning Your Greatest Weaknesses into Your Greatest Strengths

   The Path to Leadership Excellence: Perseverance and Self-Improvement


02 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Teenagers’ bodies are changing, but so is the way [they link their identity and self-worth to the body [they live in]]. The social pressure to look a certain way and present their identity and values through their appearance increases a notch, and social media can amplify this all even more. This isn’t always a negative thing though. While social media can be a very public way to do the work of identity development, it can also give young people a safe space to explore their values, beliefs and the things that make them who they are. Not all teenagers want to dive headfirst into books. This is [where social media can be a powerful tool for identity exploration], giving them a place to discover new ideas and conversations to help their growth, including introducing them to the books and films that might help them learn about a subject in more detail.

*notch: 단계, 등급 **amplify: 증폭시키다

   Social Media Can Positively Contribute to Adolescent Identity Exploration

    Ways to Help Teenagers Build a Healthy Body Image and Self-Esteem

    How Social Media Distracts Teens from Discovering Their True Selves

    Self-Identity Formation: A Key Development Task in Adolescence

     Evolution of Friendships: Virtual Relationships in Social Media


03 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

[Even though the world is now driven by technology], the authenticity of the experience remains a must in the tourism and hospitality industry. One of the essential elements that contribute to the creation of a memorable and authentic experience remains the communication; addressing a guest in their mother tongue might be a differentiator on the present complex market. Therefore, foreign language skills are essential within the tourism and hospitality industry. Foreign language skills bring about opportunities on the labor market and increase the likelihood of becoming a manager in the tourism sector. English is a must. Knowing a second foreign language may act as a differentiator on the labor market from the standpoint of the employee. It helps professionals not only improve their career, but also experience new things, deepen their relationships, and accumulate more relevant information in their professional and personal lives.


    The Future of Tourism: The Disappearance of Cultural Barriers

    Learning the Local Language: A Good Start for Memorable Trips

    How Technology Can Interfere with Authentic Travel Experiences

    Ways to Improve Foreign Language Skills Necessary in the Job Market

   Multilingual Fluency: A Key to Success in Tourism and Related Careers


04 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

The key to bread is making a way to trap expanding gases in the dough. Adding water to flour and sugar allows for the hydration and mixing of proteins and carbohydrates. Kneading the dough stretches a protein called gluten, which allows for an interconnected network of protein ready to trap gas that is generated by the yeast. During the proofing step of making bread, the yeast converts sugar into energy-filled molecules, ethanol, carbon dioxide gas, and other flavorful by-products. The heat applied during baking allows the water to escape as steam, which expands the bread, links the gluten protein molecules further, and traps carbon dioxide gas. While this is happening, the heat catalyzes chemical reactions between proteins and sugars, creating a beautiful brown color, a dense texture, and over 500 new aromatic compounds that waft to your nose. Clearly there is a lot of science [that goes into making a loaf of bread].

*knead: 치대다, 반죽하다 **proofing: 발효 ***waft: 퍼지다

     Baking Tools Every Baker Needs

    The Science Behind Making Bread

     Tips for Baking Various Types of Bread

    How Baking Powder and Baking Soda Work

    Origins of Bread: From Ancient Grains to Timeless Delights