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EBS 2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week2 3강 7~12번 문제들

by 케미1004 2024. 3. 17.

2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week2 3강 7~12번 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

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고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다


[문제] 7 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

[If punishment were about promoting cooperation], we should simply punish unfair people. [How much the other person’s unfairness caused them to gain on us personally] shouldn’t impact our decision. However, as two psychologists, Nichola Raihani and Katherine McAuliffe, have found, this is not the case. Their experiment involved a two-player game where one player could steal money from the other. The victim always suffered the same loss. However, the relative outcome varied. Sometimes the thief still ended up with less cash than their victim, sometimes they had the same as the victim, and sometimes they had more. The study found [that the victim’s decision to punish the thief was strongly influenced by whether the thief ended up better off than the victim]. People punished when they were made worse off by another person <breaking a rule>. They did not simply punish because the other broke a moral rule. Their punishment was not about increasing cooperation. It was about ________.

teaching how to avoid the consequences of one’s behavior

limiting the benefits that the other could bring to the group

harming someone who had unfairly advanced ahead of them

depriving the other of an opportunity to play the game fairly

motivating the other victims to mirror the behavior of the thief


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 처벌과 불공정에 관한 글 내용으로 도덕률이 어겨졌다고 처벌하는 것이 아니라 불공정이 생기면 처벌한다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 8 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

We recognise that groups divide as well as unite, and the intensity of our bonds within them may ________. This presents us with a distinctly utopian problem. Utopia is an idealised group characterised by enhanced sociability. But every “in” group implies exclusion, or an “out-group”. The attractiveness of the group may well be proportionate to its delineation of and antagonism towards its enemies. Germans, for instance, have been described as achieving a “grand utopia of belonging” in their united enmity to the Jews under Hitler. So every utopia is a potential dystopia. Affection for and loyalty to some may be defined by hostility towards others: neighbouring countries, rival football clubs, other races, religions, and nations. The last are particularly guilty here. The most ambitious and universalistic theories of sociability demand a moderation of the more primitive forms of national loyalty by cosmopolitanism to emphasise our common essential humanity. But often they fail, and national enmity prevails instead.

* delineation: 경계() 설정, 묘사 ** antagonism: 반감 *** enmity: 적대감

demand the sacrifice of social order for individuals

be dependent on the power structures of the groups

turn friends into enemies as the in-group members fight

indicate the tension between individualism and collectivism

proportionately discourage relationships with non-members


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 그룹은 단결뿐만 아니라 분열하기도 한다라는 글 내용으로 시작해서 결속의 강도는 적에 대한 경계와 적으로의 반감에 비례할 것이다라는 글 내용을 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 9 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Small mammals and insects live near one another, often in dense vegetation. Their hearing range extends into what humans call the ultrasonic because these high sounds reveal useful information about the close-at-hand environment. Social and breeding signals of these animals are therefore also ultrasonic. To human ears, for example, mice and rats seem almost entirely silent, but these animals have rich vocal repertoires including play sounds, calls from pups to mothers, alarms, and breeding songs. Such high-frequency sounds travel very poorly in air, and so these sounds offer rodents good close-at-hand communication without revealing their locations. For animals that interact on larger scales, like humans and birds, lower frequencies work better for long-distance communication. Their ears and thus breeding songs and calls are tuned to lower frequencies. The diversity of sonic expression therefore ________.

* ultrasonic: 초음파의 ** pup: 새끼 *** rodent: 설치류

reflects the varied ecologies of each species

signifies the emotional distance of each animal group

indicates the extent to which each organism has evolved

arises from the intentional manipulation of sound frequencies

is enhanced by the intensive interactions among animal groups


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 작은 포유류와 곤충은 초음파로 시작해서 고주파 소리와 저주파 소리의 특징을 소개하고 소리 표현의 다양성이 의미하는 것이 무엇인지를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 10 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Human infants learn to distinguish between the living and the nonliving using clues about how things move and the noises they make (dogs move differently from cars and make different kinds of noises), and how they interact with other objects. But the neurological machinery that draws these distinctions is far from perfect, so it is not always easy to distinguish between what today we call the natural and supernatural realms. Our brains are always on the lookout for agents, and it is so easy to make mistakes when we hear whispers behind us in the night. Why do iron filings creep toward magnets? Why do rivers in flood seem so angry? Dreams and hallucinations encourage us to believe in the possibility of many types of purposeful beings. So does language, because grammatical forms tell us that actions require actors. In English, grammar forces you to say that the wind blows, the sun shines, the world spins, the pandemic spreads. ________ because that is usually a less dangerous error than the alternative. <Mistaking a log for a crocodile> might cause some merriment, but <mistaking a crocodile for a log> could prove fatal.

* iron filings: 철가루 ** hallucination: 환상 *** pandemic: 세계[전국]적인 유행병

We escape reality by entering our imaginary world

We humans put process over purpose in our actions

Our minds have a bias toward overdetection of agency

Action-focused brains tend to ignore grammatical errors

Logical thinking empowers individuals to control their lives


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 우리의 뇌는 항상 행위자를 살핀다와 마지막 문장에서 통나무를 악어로 보는 것과 악어를 통나무로 보는 것은 큰 차이를 만들어 낸다를 통해 문법 역시 행위자를 찾는다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 11 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

One area [in which veterinarians are professionally involved] is the now almost worldwide trade in animals. They are often called upon to oversee such operations, sometimes required by law to do so. But Simon Coghlan shows how things can go radically wrong, not least of all when slaughter is unregulated at the place of destination, where few legal restrictions prevail. He reviews the controversy that was aroused by the footage of Australian cattle being abused in Indonesian abattoirs and illustrates one of the central problems with the live-export trade, namely, the lack of international agreement on the treatment of animals. While animals may be treated tolerably well in the farms they are raised on in one country, there is no guarantee that they will be treated well either in transit to or upon arrival in another country. At the very least, veterinarians should be at the forefront of ________. It is often their voice, either individually or collectively, that is missing from such debates.

* slaughter: 도축 ** footage: (영상) 장면 *** abattoir: 도축장

advocating for increased funding for veterinary schools

lobbying for stricter penalties for illegal wildlife hunting

overseeing the spread of animal diseases around the world

educating the public about the benefits of international trade

calling for consistent animal welfare regulations internationally


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 동물거래에 수의사가 관여하는데 도축에 관하여 널리 퍼져 있는 법적 규제가 없다는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 12 밑줄 친 we are resistant to being handed down wisdom in black-and-white terms가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Storytelling is among the proudest of Indian traditions, and from ancient times, it has been associated with imparting wisdom and worldly knowledge. When you read the Panchatantra tales as a child, it was impossible to miss the moral underlying each story. And the Mahabharata, the grandest, the most complex and multi-layered of epics, wasn’t merely a masterpiece of storytelling: it was, and remains, a discourse on life and living. The beauty of stories is that they teach without ever appearing to do so. Most of our early world view and our moral compass have been shaped through the stories we heard in the laps of our mothers and grandmothers without us ever realizing it. We looked forward to bedtime story sessions because the tales enchanted and entertained us, and through them we learned without ever feeling the burden of formal learning. Preaching rarely works with children, and I suspect it works no better with adults. In general, we are resistant to being handed down wisdom in black-and-white terms.

* impart: 전달하다 ** epic: 서사시 *** preach: 훈계하다

The main purpose of stories is to entertain young children.

Ancient Indian stories have few underlying moral messages.

Youths tend to enjoy being taught in a direct and simple manner.

Indian tradition has long been associated with conveying wisdom.

People like an indirect approach to learning rather than an explicit one.


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 흑백논리로 지혜를 전달하는 것에 대한 저항으로 스토리텔링의 중요성을 이해하면 답이 보인다.