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EBS 2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week1 2강 7~12번 문제들

by 케미1004 2024. 3. 15.

2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week1 2강 7~12번 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

"When clicked, the image enlarges"


긴 문장은 구와 절 덩어리로 묶고 독해하기 편한 문장으로 보면 독해가 편해진다.


< 구: 두 단어 이상 > [ 절: 접주동 ]

구안에 절이 들어갈 수 도 절 안에 구가 들어갈 수도 있다. 덩어리를 잘 묶어 보면 문장이 어렵지 않게 보이기 시작한다.

< 명사구 > [ 명사절 ] < 형용사구 > [ 형용사절 ] < 부사구 > [ 부사절 ]


고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다


[문제] 7 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Although we think of speech as consisting of separate phonemes, it is easy to demonstrate that it doesn’t. Think of the common activity in which a Muppet (or person) models sounding out a simple word. Letters appear on the screen and the Muppet says the sounds associated with them, one at a time, “b”... “a”... “t”..., gradually decreasing the pauses between them. Sometimes the letters are displayed far apart on the screen and gradually brought closer together as a visual cue. The sounds do not fuse into “bat” no matter how rapidly in succession they are spoken because it does not consist of three separate segments. A ________ always occurs at the very end [when the rapidly but separately pronounced phonemes are followed by the word <pronounced as a whole>]. How to get from one to the other, the Muppet does not say. The activity is useful because the child learns about letters and their sounds. It encourages the fiction that words consist of separate segments even as it demonstrates that they do not.

* phoneme: 음소 ** Muppet: 머펫(팔과 손가락으로 조작하는 인형)

*** segment: 분절음(음절을 자음이나 모음으로 나눌 수 있는 언어학적 단위)

① choice ② reversal ③ collision ④ repetition ⑤ discontinuity


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 speech에 관한 글 내용으로 simple word와 소리가 융화되지 않는다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 8 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 

Unsurprisingly, processed materials are more valuable than raw ones. Lumber is worth more than timber, and flour is worth more than wheat. The modern analogies are that gasoline is worth more than crude oil and chemicals are worth more than natural gas. Industrious humans used energy to upgrade their natural resources into higher-value commodities they could export elsewhere. And, because of the higher value density of the finished products, it was smart to do so. Flour was more valuable per pound and easier to transport than wheat. The same could be said for the water that goes into it. It made more sense to transport a pound of flour than the 1,000 pounds of water required to grow it. Water and energy made it possible to process a wide range of goods, ________.

* lumber: 제재목 ** analogy: 비유 *** crude oil: 원유

① creating value along the way

② raising their transportation costs

③ accelerating the destruction of nature

④ lowering the efficiency of investments

⑤ reducing the possibility of losing control


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 가공된 재료가 원재료보다 가치가 더 있다는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 9 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Authenticity and objective success are independent of each other. The fact that a person is pursuing a career path that is an authentic expression of his or her most deeply held values and strongest interests says nothing about how successful the person will be in attaining career outcomes that others can observe. Subjective success (success as perceived by the individual) could potentially be high even with low authenticity. While this might seem counterintuitive, consider a person who had created an organization that was very successful, creating a huge fortune for the person. The person might subjectively see herself as being highly successful in this venture. But what if that person’s true passion was for art and what if her original dream was to spend her career as a painter? Her authentic self would be a painter, but her actual self had become an executive, whose life had little room for art. This situation would be an example of ________.

① how subjective success based on authenticity cannot exist

② the fake authenticity that gives people unfounded confidence

③ an inauthentic career characterized by high objective and subjective success

④ prioritizing one’s authentic self over the pressure to achieve external success

⑤ bringing one’s authentic self to work before one’s full potential can be reached


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 객관적 성공과 주관적 성공 그리고 진정성에 관한 글 내용을 이해하면 답이 보인다.

[문제] 10 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The philosopher Timothy Morton calls global warming a ‘hyperobject’: a thing that surrounds us, envelops and entangles us, but that is literally too big to see in its entirety. Mostly, we perceive hyperobjects through their influence on other things — a melting ice sheet, a dying sea, the buffeting of a transatlantic flight. Hyperobjects happen everywhere at once, but we can only experience them in the local environment. We may perceive hyperobjects as personal because they affect us directly, or imagine them as the products of scientific theory; in fact, they stand outside both our perception and our measurement. They exist without us. Because ________, they defy our ability to describe them rationally, and to master or overcome them in any traditional sense. Climate change is a hyperobject, but so is nuclear radiation, evolution, and the internet.

* entangle: 얽어매다 ** buffeting: 버피팅(난기류에 의한 항공기의 큰 진동) *** defy: 저항[거역]하다

① they are so close and yet so hard to see

② they are inherently neither good nor evil

③ their changes as a whole can be easy to observe

④ their influences can only be recognized over time

⑤ they have clear boundaries and conventional categorization


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 지구온난화를 hyperobject로 본다에서 hyperobject의 의미를 유추하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 11 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

While media are a significant cause of change in the social order, rarely are they the only one, or largest one. Thus, while the emergence of television likely contributed to changing notions of childhood, several other sociocultural factors may have strengthened this process. One particularly relevant factor has been ________. Unlike the traditional “top-down” family communication style of the 1950s, today’s parents negotiate with their children about what they may and must do, and both parties have a say in the outcome. Parents feel it is important to involve their children in family decisions so that they can learn to make choices and develop their identities. The parental motto has changed from “behave yourself” to “be yourself.” Parents are more indulgent, feel guilty more often, and want the best for their children. They want to be “cool” parents, more their children’s friends than authority figures.

* indulgent: 너그럽게 봐주는

① how each generation consumes media

② a shifting balance of power in the family

③ the dominant ideology of the ruling classes

④ mutual understanding between groups in conflict

⑤ one’s prior experience used to interpret messages


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 미디어가 사회질서의 변화의 요인과 가족의 영향력 변화에 관한 글 내용을 이해하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 12 밑줄 친 Code giveth, and code taketh away가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

As we live in a world made of software, programmers are the architects. The decisions they make guide our behavior. When they make something newly easy to do, we do a lot more of it. If they make it hard or impossible to do something, we do less of it. When coders made the first blogging tools in the late ’ 90s and early ’ 00s, it produced an explosion of selfexpression; when it’s suddenly easy to publish things, millions more people do it. And when programmers invented “file-sharing” tools around the same time, a shudder ran through the entertainment industries, as they watched their lock hold on distribution suddenly evaporate. In fact, they fought back by hiring their own programmers to invent “digital rights management” software, putting it in music and film releases, making those wares trickier for everyday folks to copy and hand out to their friends; they tried to create artificial scarcity. If wealthy interests don’t like what some code is doing, they’ll pay to create software that fights in the opposite direction. Code giveth, and code taketh away.

* shudder: 전율, 몸서리

① Software programming directs our behavior.

② Software users are monitored wherever they go.

③ Give-and-take is the foundation of any relationship.

④ We cannot expect the wealthy to do good to others.

⑤ Code switching is crucial in a dynamic digital world.


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 프로그래머들이 사용하는 코드들은 주는 것과 가져가는 것으로 그들의 결정은 우리의 행동을 안내한다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답이 보인다.