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EBS 2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week2 4강 1~6번 문제들

by 케미1004 2024. 3. 18.

2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week2 4강 1~6번 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

"When clicked, the image enlarges"

긴 문장은 구와 절 덩어리로 묶고 독해하기 편한 문장으로 보면 독해가 편해진다.


< 구: 두 단어 이상 > [ 절: 접주동 ]

구안에 절이 들어갈 수 도 절 안에 구가 들어갈 수도 있다. 덩어리를 잘 묶어 보면 문장이 어렵지 않게 보이기 시작한다.

< 명사구 > [ 명사절 ] < 형용사구 > [ 형용사절 ] < 부사구 > [ 부사절 ]


고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다

[문제] 1 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Ethical theories [that appeal to experience instead of to intuition, religion or reason,] sometimes treat indeterminacy simply as a problem of difficulty in measurement. They may call attention to differences in what is right or good under different psychological, historical and individual conditions. In that sense, ________. A certain action is considered wrong if done by someone who possesses typical cognitive abilities, but not if done by someone who lacks the ability to make fine distinctions. You cannot expect the same rules of private property concerning land in a primitive hunting society and a small individual peasant society. You cannot impose the obligation to save a drowning man by swimming out for him upon one who cannot swim or who is desperately ill. Such individualization and particularization hardly constitute indeterminacy. For they call attention to the factors which make single and decisive answers correct; in short, they remove rather than enshrine indeterminacy.

* peasant: 소작농 ** impose: 강요하다 *** enshrine: (법·권리 등을 특히 문서상으로) 소중히 하다

① morality is relative

② ethical values prioritize reason

③ a moral person emphasizes duty

④ moral education begins at home

⑤ morality needs an ethical framework


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 경험에 호소하는 윤리는 미결정성을 다룬다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 2 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

One of the things [that often block our creativity] is our own inhibitions. Psychologists believe we have a built-in censor that limits the information we are prepared to accept from the preconscious in order to protect ourselves from being overwhelmed by the information we contain in our brain. Filters appropriate to our situation ensure appropriate recollection. If we are in a leisure situation, leisure links are used and work recollections are unwelcome. If we are at work, we do the opposite. This could well be the reason why an idea will come to us ________. We might have been racking our brain to consider how to extend a particular story, but as soon as we settle into a different activity, such as socialising with friends or watching TV, the idea comes to us. It seems that during the incubation phase of the idea, because we have adjusted the parameters of the censor, an association that we otherwise would not have considered will be delivered to our subconscious, and our conscious mind will suddenly recognise it as appropriate for the problem we were dealing with before.

* rack one’s brain: 머리를 쥐어짜다 ** incubation: 고안, 계획 *** parameters: 제한 범위

① out of context                   ② upon our request

③ through regular practice  ④ in the face of obstacles

⑤ by flooding us with information


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 창의성을 방해하는 것은 우리자신의 억제이다. 우리는 우리의 상황에 적절한 거름(여과)은 적절한 기억을 확실하게 한다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 3 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 

The success of science is better accounted for if we consider [that the goal of science is ________]. Science thus succeeds [when it produces scientific understanding]. We can then easily see that science has continually advanced throughout its history because scientific understanding has increased, even if the explanations and predictions produced are uncertain. It can also occur even if the theories and models used to make those explanations and predictions are uncertain. In fact, such advancement can occur even if the theories and models involved are false! Copernicus’s theory improved upon Ptolemy’s theory even though it included the idea that Earth’s orbit around the sun is circular. Kepler’s theory improved upon Copernicus’s theory by holding that Earth’s orbit is elliptical rather than circular. And Newton’s theory of gravitation led him to make a further improvement by recognizing that Earth’s orbit is not exactly elliptical. Each of these theories constituted a scientific advance from their predecessors. However, they were all false theories. Despite the fact that the theories were false — and thus clearly uncertain — they led to deeper understanding of Earth’s orbit.

* elliptical: 타원형의 ** predecessor: 이전 것

① aiming to lay the foundation for a prosperous life

② the total rejection of false prior scientific findings

③ deeper understanding of nature instead of certainty

④ examining the impact of religious beliefs on scientific theories

⑤ the acceptance of diverse opinions about scientists’ contribution


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 과학은 성공은 과학적 이해를 만들어 낼 때 된다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.

[문제] 4 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Adopting a simplistic “be positive and smile” approach may be even less feasible for leaders than for front-line service workers. Like front-line workers, leaders often experience frustrating work events, and sometimes these events may have a stronger influence on them than the organizational display rule to be positive. Perhaps of even greater concern, a simplistic display rule to be always positive may deprive mid- and lower-level leaders of the discretion [they need to ________]. Unlike many service workers, who often must display the same emotion (such as smiling or showing sympathy) over and over again in a fairly repetitive fashion, leaders have to display a much wider range of emotions and use considerable judgment as to which emotions best suit the situation. Consequently, organizational display rules for leaders must give them the freedom to display a wide range of emotions, and the autonomy to use considerable judgment about which emotions to display at any given time.

* feasible: 실현 가능한 ** discretion: (자유) 재량(권)

① avoid displaying any kind of emotion

② establish an appropriate evaluation system

③ assign responsibilities to front-line workers

④ find ways to solve conflicts at the workplace

⑤ adopt the best emotional tone for the situation


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 항상 같은 감정을 가져야 하는 서비스업 하는 사람과 감정을 통제해야 하는 리더들 사이 긍정적이고 미소적인 접근에 관한 글 내용의 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 5 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The philosopher Michel de Montaigne is an early representative of a different view of media. He considered writing to be a unique way of exploring and recording “traits of my character and my humours,” which he famously did best while working alone in his writing tower. In fact, he actively used the opportunities of pen and paper to continuously revise and make additions to his essays, in a manner reminiscent of what goes on in the recording studio. The ability of writers to express their inner lives, and to imagine the experiences of others, has always been broadly celebrated, including the way novels are able to place various personalities and worldviews into dialogue with one another. The growth in distribution of books gave people fresh insight into the motivations and sentiments of others. The ability to ________ has since been considered a defining trait of electronic media, dramatically demonstrated by witness reports from warzones. These points can trigger a critical awareness of the power of mediated communication but might also inspire a nuanced appreciation of its rewards.

* reminiscent of: ~을 연상시키는 ** nuanced: 미묘하게 다른

① store a huge amount of information in a database

② send the data to anyone from anywhere at any time

③ provide increasingly detailed access to people’s lives

④ involve continuous feedback between the sender and receiver

⑤ combine various types of media, such as text, audio, and video


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 미디어에 대한 다른 관점으로 책은 사람들에게 다른 사람들의 동기와 감정을 볼 수 있는 통찰력을 준다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 6 밑줄 친 There was a lot of chatter in the system이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? 

[If there is a sociology of knowledge], then there should also be a sociology of ignorance. Such a sociology might begin with the question, Who does not know What? It is worth remembering that ‘we are all ignorant, just about different things’, as the American humorist Mark Twain remarked. For example, the spread of the Coronavirus was predicted by epidemiologists who had discovered the danger of the transfer of different diseases from wild animals to humans. On the other hand, governments either did not know or did not want to know about this prediction, so they were caught unprepared. Many disasters have occurred because those who knew could not act while those who acted did not know. The destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001 offers a dramatic example of failure in communication. Agents in the security services already suspected certain individuals of planning a terrorist attack, but their warnings were lost among the many messages sent to upper levels in Washington in a striking example of ‘information overload’. As the national security adviser Condoleezza Rice admitted later, ‘There was a lot of chatter in the system.’

* epidemiologist: 유행[전염]병 학자

① Many agents tried to gather as much information as possible.

② Too much attention was paid to conflicts of interest in politics.

③ Democracy brought a lot of people into the decision-making process.

④ Damaging rumors traveled faster and reached farther than ever before.

⑤ It was hard to identify the crucial information from a large amount of information.


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 지식의 사회학이 있다면 또한 무지의 사회학도 있다. 정보가 넘처나는 곳에서는 바로 정답이 없다는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.