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EBS 2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week2 4강 7~12번 문제들

by 케미1004 2024. 3. 19.

2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week2 4강 7~12번 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

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고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다

[문제] 7 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The demands of the self usually conform so closely to societal norms that we feel no tension in acting upon our desires. The self emerges most clearly at times when our passions clash with social protocol. Their very inconvenience makes them feel “true.” Over the last 150 years, however, psychologists and neuroscientists have warned us against ________. Our brains are always engaged in rationalization: framing raw demands from our subconscious as well-grounded, logical requests. Psychologist Bruce Hood elaborates, “Even if you deliberate over an idea, turning it over in your conscious mind, you are simply delaying the final decision that has, to all intents and purposes, already been made.” Later, “having been presented with a decision, we then make sense of it as if it were our own.” The overwhelming number of truth-hiding mechanisms in our brains has convinced Hood that the self is an “illusion.” Whether or not this is the best framing, we should certainly abandon the idea [that the self is a “real me”] cordoned off from any social influence.

* protocol: 행동 규칙 ** deliberate: 숙고하다 *** cordon off: (출입을) 차단하다

complying with established societal norms

attributing too much authenticity to our thoughts

facing situations that could generate inner tensions

making hasty decisions without careful consideration

questioning whether our selves can make sound decisions


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 자아의 욕구는 사회적 기준에 따른다. 우리의 뇌는 합리화에 바쁘다. 마지막 문장에서 자아가 진짜 나라는 생각을 버려야만 한다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 8 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

If you look at castles built during the Crusades, you will find holes in the walls and may, at first, believe that these were made as places to shoot arrows from. They were not. They are legacies of a kind of construction no longer performed and thus hard for the modern mind to imagine. When the castle was built, there was no free-standing scaffolding, so wood logs were driven between the stones until the next layer and another platform could be added; it wasn’t [until the castle was finished and all the wooden scaffolding was removed] that they realized there was no way, at the time, to repair the holes. Any explanation that the holes were constructed in order to shoot arrows from despite how well suited they appear for the task, after the fact is incorrect, and the lesson applies wholesale to castles as well as to all of biology. Many erroneous assumptions are likewise made when one looks at any modern mammalian brain and infers, hundreds of millions of years after its creation, ________.

* the Crusades: 십자군 전쟁 ** scaffolding: (건축 공사장의) 비계, 발판

structure from motion          purpose from function

perfection from shortage    intention from knowledge

simplicity from complexity


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 It is not until ~~ that S V~~~ 강조구문을 통해 보이는 것과 원래 의도가 달랐다는글 내용을 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 9 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

In the 1990s, [as the Internet saw its global adoption], it became clear [that not everything <connected to the Internet> ________.] An organization’s server could include internal information that it never intended to be available from the outside, yet often it was easy to find for anyone who cared to look for it. Another challenge was that the technology was built with the idea that we trust people to use it appropriately. The implied idea that no one will intentionally try to sabotage or break things was a remnant of the early Internet days, and one that meant many servers and systems were open for anyone to use. We just trusted people not to take advantage. One of the first demonstrations of the lack of IT security was the first recorded Internet worm in 1988. The Morris worm provided clear evidence [that the technology was not at all secure] [just because we tend to trust the users on the system].

* sabotage: 파괴하다 ** remnant: 잔재

can grow into new technology should be scientifically proven

imposes burden on technicians should be available to everyone

can be saved for future reference


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 인터넷이 세계적으로 사용됨으로 인터넷상에 있는 것을 믿으려는 우리에게 경고하는 글 내용을 파악하면 답이 보인다.

[문제] 10 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

________ is a little like gardening. To be honest, I hate gardening, but I have enough gardeners in my circle of friends and family to have a sense of what goes on with them. Gardeners work with what they’ve got the soil, grown trees, the shape of the plot of land and make it into something satisfying. For some people, this will mean a garden that produces fruit; for others, it will mean a garden that looks nice; for others, it might mean a garden that can’t be ruined by cavorting dogs. Plants come into conflict: trees with dense foliage create shade in which other plants can’t grow, some trees (like the black walnut) are toxic to lots of other plants, and some plants are invasive and take over everything. The gardener has to navigate these conflicts: find the best spots for the prized plants, remove the weeds, and sometimes make peace with imperfection.

* cavort: (신이 나서) 뛰어다니다 ** foliage: 나뭇잎

Being content with what is available

Balancing native and foreign components

Identifying values and resolving conflicts

Turning the wild into something beneficial for people

Shifting conflicts from the internal world to the external


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 정원사들이 식물들의 갈등을 해결한다의 비유적 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 11 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The notion [that “development” is synonymous with “economic growth”] has been subjected to severe criticism. By far the most significant is that of Amartya Sen, who has argued that “commodities” the production of which is a major part of economic growth are only of value to us in terms of ________. Sen advocates that we should think about development rather in terms of people’s capability to achieve those things that they have reason to value: “The focus here is on the freedom that a person actually has to do this or be that things that he or she may value doing or being.” It is inherent in this approach that freedoms, both the “negative” freedoms being free from unjustified coercion, and freedoms of speech and expression, of association, and of movement and the “positive” freedoms, which have to do with what makes it possible for people actually to enjoy their freedom (including the material [commodity] means for this), are of fundamental importance. According to this view, therefore, development “can be seen as a process of expanding the real freedoms [that people enjoy].

* synonymous: 아주 밀접하게 관련이 있는 ** coercion: 강요

where they can be mostly found      when we can afford to buy them

what they allow us actually to do    freeing us from depending on them

trading them in competitive markets


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 개발은 경제성장이라는 생각이 비판을 받는다. 개발은 사람들이 즐기는 자유의 과정으로 봐야 한다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 12 밑줄 친 observers might have some role to play in reality가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

There had been hints for centuries that observers might have some role to play in reality. In fact, in his Opticks, Isaac Newton insisted [that brightness and hue are not inherent], but [that each observer actually creates all the colors of the visual realm within his mind]. “The rays to speak properly are not coloured,” he wrote. Other scientists eventually showed that Newton was right. By the early twentieth century, physicists had established that light consists of the alternating pulses of magnetic and electrical fields. Since neither magnetism nor electricity are visible to humans, to our eyes an emerald green forest canopy must be inherently blank. The fact that we see it as emerald green means that somewhere in the vast magical neurocircuitry of our brains, a “green” sensation arises, and then, by some equally marvelous mental occurrence, we “place” it out in front of our noses, in what we regard as the “external world.”

* hue: 색상 ** pulse: 파동 *** forest canopy: 임관(林冠)(나뭇가지들이 지붕 모양으로 우거진 모습)

The purpose of observation lies in assessing our world.

The visual exposure to nature sharpens our color recognition.

It could be the act of observation that makes reality invariable.

Until scientifically proven, the observed world might not be reality.

The physical world we perceive might be constructed by ourselves.


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 밝음과 색조는 본래 있는 것이 아니라 관찰자에 의해 만들어진 것이다의 문장을 통해 관찰자들이 현실에서 역할을 할 수도 있을 것이다라는 의미를 파악하면 답이 보인다.