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EBS 2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week1_02강 1~6번 문제들

by 케미1004 2024. 3. 14.

2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week1_02강 1~6번 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

"When clicked, the image enlarges"


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고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다


[문제] 1 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

They often say people look like ants <when seen from a great height>. I lean forward a little in my seat and look out of the window. Our flight to Peru has yet to reach cruising altitude. Below us, I can just about make out roads, houses and fields, cows in a pasture, here and there a village, and a city in the far distance. It’s not a bad comparison, I think. Everything I can see from up here is something I have encountered in my research on ants: fixed roads, spectacular buildings, agriculture, livestock farming. I let myself sink back into my seat. The ________ don’t stop there, if you think about it. Ants live in cities, just like people. In times of peace, they go about their work, sharing the labor fairly. Each has a job, from the wet nurses in the nursery to the architects, construction workers, and housekeepers in the nest, to the hunters and gatherers, who ensure that everyone is fed. But peace does not last forever, even among ants. Neighbors fight over the borders to their territory and wage bitter wars on one another.

    * altitude: 고도

parallels               separations            contradictions

transformations   misunderstandings


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 멀리서 보면 같다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.

[문제] 2 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Infants’ abilities to ________ were demonstrated in a series of landmark studies that first appeared in 1996. The studies focused on how infants identified artificial spoken words <embedded in much larger strings of spoken syllables>. When infants hear a string of syllables, such as po-ta-to, repeatedly occurring, do they start to see that string as somehow special and cohering as a unit, namely potato? They do so easily. In fact, infants under six months can learn new artificial words in under two minutes. (They are artificial to make sure infants don’t already have experience with them as words.) In the studies, infants listen to much longer strings of syllables in which certain artificial words, such as bidaku, repeatedly occur amid other nonrepeating random strings of syllables. No other cues to repeating three-syllable words are present such as intonation, special stress, or pauses. Based solely on repeated co-occurrences, infants reliably came to expect such sequences to occur again in the future in comparison to other completely novel three-syllable sequences for which they showed no such expectations.

* syllable: 음절 ** cohere: 결합하다, 한데 모이다

track patterns                         perceive novel sentences          distinguish human voices

create their own vocabulary   tell natural from artificial sounds


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 반복된 음절을 인식한다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 3 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Working with the Department of Commerce, NASA satellites have provided orbital observations [that have enabled the understanding of climate change]. Satellites track weather patterns and measure the effectiveness of farming methods and innovations in agriculture, which have helped to feed millions more than we could have dreamed possible before the space age. The collection and distribution of fresh water, rapidly becoming one of this century’s most valuable resources, is monitored globally. Aquaculture data tracking stocks of fish and modeling how to best utilize and maintain a healthy supply of this important food source is generated from space-based observations. The identification of mineral resources is increasingly performed via satellite imagery. Satellites are also a part of the global traffic control system for aircraft. Even ground transport trucks, trains, and the like is monitored from orbit. In short, much of what drives modern civilization is affected, and in most cases improved, by ________.

* aquaculture: (어류·해조류의) 양식()

satellite-launching private companies

the cooperation of different industries

the use of data obtained from satellites

satellite-based telescopes for space exploration

the development of surface, air, and space vehicles


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 기후변화를 궤도관측을 통해 안다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.

[문제] 4 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Wondering goes beyond merely being curious. Building on prior knowledge and some sense of major causal and spatial patterns, we entertain rough sketches of possibilities or interpretations and strive to learn which is more accurate and how it is filled out. To marvel at something is also linked to wondering. While marvels and wonders often refer to awe-evoking things, when children engage in wonder, they do much more than simply sit in a state of passive reverential awe. Their awe is better described by the naturalist Rachel Carson a joyous marveling at how an insight has revealed an enormous new expanse of possible patterns to explore. It is not the dumbstruck, potentially fear-laden sense of awe experienced by adults. Almost a century ago, in an isolated region of Papua-New Guinea, the anthropologist Margaret Mead observed that, when children were asked to explain why a canoe tied to a tree drifted away overnight, they offered explanations of how the rocking boat gradually loosened up the knot. In contrast, many adults invoked spirits, moral crimes, and supernatural interventions. When we see young children’s wonder as filled with supernatural agency, ________.

* evoke: (감정을) 일으키다 ** reverential: 경건한 *** anthropologist: 인류학자

we had better let them get out of it on their own

we impose the encultured interpretations of adults

the solution is to lift them onto a solid scientific basis

it is better to help them distinguish facts from opinions

there is a challenge in helping them with their interpretation


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 아이들이 궁금해하는 것은 단지 호기심을 넘어서는 것이다 빈칸에서 아이들의 궁금증을 어른의 사고방식인 초자연적인 것으로 인식하는 것은 어린이의 궁금해하는 것을 어른의 사고방식으로 밀어 넣는 것이다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 5 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

One couple created a very personal way to commemorate their participation in space missions. In the early 1960s, Toni Foster and her husband, Robert L. “Bob” Foster, an engineer who worked for McDonnell Aviation, the contractor that built NASA’s Mercury and Gemini space capsules, had a tradition. Whenever Bob completed a project, he gave Toni a new charm for her charm bracelet. These space-themed tokens celebrated the end of significant professional projects and offered a gift to make up for being away so much during intense periods of work. The charms also recognized how she contributed to his career by taking care of their children and home, allowing him to spend time away as chief engineer on Project Mercury and operations manager on Project Gemini. Although the bracelet is now missing its clasp and is too short to be worn, the charms hanging from the delicate gold links tell an important story about ________.

* commemorate: 기념하다 ** bracelet: 팔찌 *** clasp: 걸쇠

the people who made human spaceflight happen

a new wave of culture generated by a novel technology

the health effects of bracelets proved by space engineers

educational preparation for cutting-edge space technology

the belief in supernatural forces that influences space engineers


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 임무 참여를 기념하는 개인적인 방법은 결국 임무을 했다라는 것을 기념하는 것이다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.


[문제] 6 밑줄 친 the table has been set, should you take certain actions to sit down and eat이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Your anxiety most likely has genetic roots. For example, many people that I treat at my center tend to have a family history of phobias, panic attack struggles, or obsessive compulsive disorder. The genetic connection can be close and obvious, like a parent, or less direct, like a second aunt or a great grandfather. To put it simply, this means that those with anxious wiring tend to be more likely to suffer from potential anxiety issues than those without. However, this inclination for developing an anxiety issue by no means suggests that it’s a foregone conclusion. It just means the table has been set, should you take certain actions to sit down and eat! This is similar in some way to someone with a genetic predisposition toward alcohol abuse. Even though the pull might be strong, you only become an alcoholic once you abuse alcohol.

* obsessive compulsive disorder: 강박 장애 ** foregone: 이미 정해진 *** predisposition: 소인(素因), 성향

Every anxiety issue can be traced to its genetic roots.

Your genes and your food affect each other in many ways.

There is a strong connection between your body and mind.

The foods on the table won’t influence who you will be in the future.

Your behavior affects whether your genetic potential for anxiety develops.


Tip for finding answers: 밑줄과 고딕체를 보면서 불안은 유전적 뿌리를 갖고 있다라는 의미를 찾으면 답이 보인다.