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2025학년도 수능대비 EBS 수능특강 소재편 29강 심리, 대인 관계

by 케미1004 2024. 3. 1.

2025학년도 수능특강 29강 심리, 대인 관계 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

"When clicked, the image enlarges"


2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 전국 37개 학교

2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 전국 37개 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 학교명 지역 고교유형 수시 정시 인원 용인외대부고 용인 전국자사고 28 38 66 대원외고 광진구 외고 24 21 45 중동고 강남 광역


Gateway 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Viewing the stress response as a resource can transform the physiology of fear into the biology of courage. It can turn a threat into a challenge and can help you ① do your best under pressure. Even when the stress doesn’t feel helpful — as in the case of anxiety — welcoming it can transform ② it into something that is helpful: more energy, more confidence, and a greater willingness to take action. You can apply this strategy in your own life anytime you notice signs of stress. When you feel your heart beating or your breath quickening, ③ realizing that it is your body’s way of trying to give you more energy. If you notice tension in your body, remind yourself ④ that the stress response gives you access to your strength. Sweaty palms? Remember what it felt like ⑤ to go on your first date — palms sweat when you’re close to something you want.

* physiology: 생리 기능


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Viewing the stress response as a resource can transform the physiology of fear into the biology of courage.


글 내용: 스트레스 반응을 자산으로 보는 것은 두려움을 용기로 변화시킬 수 있다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[When you feel your heart beating or your breath quickening],realizing [that it is your body’s way of trying to give you more energy]. 동사가 없다 따라서 realizingrealize


[문제] 1 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Unfortunately, as we age, we tend to avoid vulnerability by avoiding change, so our learning opportunities are reduced and new learning slows. We’ve all had the experience of a reunion with an old friend, when listening to them saying how they’ve been, noticing how he or she has held onto some old beliefs that we discarded long ago. Probably the friend has not put himself or herself into a state of vulnerable openness for a long time. Personal growth involves trying out new behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. Trying out something makes us vulnerable to failure and ridicule. When learning, we make mistakes, we look foolish — even absurd. Who likes that? Willingness to take chances in life, to try new experiences, challenges or activities — even though the outcome is unsure — demands being vulnerable while doing so. Open-mindedness is one of those activities that we must do deliberately, because we are naturally inclined to avoid the vulnerability it entails.

* vulnerability: 취약성 ** discard: 버리다

① Why Failures Hurt More As You Grow Older

② Reflect on Yourself When You Feel Bad About Others

③ Jumping into Uncertainty: A Way of Proving Your Ideas

④ Good Old Friends: A Reliable Bridge to New Relationships

⑤ Avoiding Vulnerability: A Barrier to Lifelong Learning and Growth


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Unfortunately, as we age, we tend to avoid vulnerability by avoiding change, so our learning opportunities are reduced and new learning slows


글 내용: 우리는 나이가 들어가면서 변화를 피함으로써 취약성을 피하는 경향이 있다. 그래서 배움에 있어서 또한 같다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[문제] 2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Expectations influence children’s behavior. After observing the amount of litter in three classrooms, Richard Miller and colleagues had the teacher and others repeatedly ① tell one class that they should be neat and tidy. This persuasion increased the amount of litter placed in wastebaskets from 15 to 45 percent, but only ② temporarily. Another class, which also had been placing only 15 percent of its litter in wastebaskets, ③ being repeatedly congratulated for being so neat and tidy. After 8 days of hearing this, and still 2 weeks later, these children were fulfilling the expectation by putting more than 80 percent of their litter in wastebaskets. Tell children they are hardworking and kind (rather than lazy and mean), and they may live up to their labels. Tying the identity to the self is important: Children ④ who were asked to be “a helper” were more likely to help in later tasks than those asked to “help.” When children think of ⑤ themselves as tidy and helpful, they become tidy and helpful.

* litter: (바닥에 버린) 쓰레기


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Expectations influence children’s behavior


글 내용: 기대는 아이들의 행동에 영향을 끼친다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


Another class, [which also had been placing only 15 percent of its litter in wastebaskets], ③ being repeatedly congratulated for being so neat and tidy. 주어 Another class에 대한 동사가 없다 따라서 being을 시제를 맞춰서 was로



[문제] 3 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

But if one person only deposits and the other person only withdraws, checks are going to start bouncing.


If maintenance of a balance in a relationship requires much work, why bother aiming for the middle ground? The wonderful thing about relationships is that with the proper maintenance, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. ( ① ) Ideally, both members get support to realize their potential as individuals as well as realizing the potential of the team. ( ② ) If things go sour, the tremendous energy drain of an irreparably damaged relationship can also mean that the whole is less than the sum of its parts. ( ③ ) Pooling resources — as in a joint savings account — makes them optimally large. ( ④ ) Similarly, if only one person in a relationship is performing maintenance and the other is indifferent, their joint account will also wind up with insufficient funds. ( ⑤ ) Overdraft protection might cover everyday necessities, but it won’t help when something big comes around.

* bounce: (수표가) 부도 처리되다 ** irreparably: 회복할 수 없을 정도로 *** overdraft: (은행 계정 등의) 초과 인출


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: maintenance of a balance in a relationship


글 내용: 관계에서 균형의 유지라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.