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2023년 11월 고1 38,39번 문제풀이

by 케미1004 2024. 1. 20.

2023년 11월 고1 38, 39번 주어진 문장 끼워넣기 문제 풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


"When clicked, the image enlarges."


[38~39] 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.


Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger of creating more uniform crops is that they are more at risk when it comes to disasters.


The decline in the diversity of our food is an entirely human-made process. The biggest loss of crop diversity came in the decades that followed the Second World War. ( ) In an attempt to save millions from extreme hunger, crop scientists found ways to produce grains such as rice and wheat on an enormous scale. ( ) And thousands of traditional varieties were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones. ( ) The strategy worked spectacularly well, at least to begin with. ( ) Because of it, grain production tripled, and between 1970 and 2020 the human population more than doubled. ( ) Specifically, a global food system that depends on just a narrow selection of plants has a greater chance of not being able to survive diseases, pests and climate extremes.

* pest: 해충


키워드: food, uniform, diversity


키워드를 통해 글의 내용을 식량자원에 대한 내용으로 파악을 한 후 식량자원의 다양성이 더 획일적으로 되어지는 것에 대한 위험성을 나타내는 글의 내용이다.


끼워넣기 문제는 박스부분에서 답이 될 수 있는 단어를 빨리 체크해 주는 것이 중요하다. 이번 문제에서는 저 전략과 더 획일적으로 되면 위험에 처해진다를 파악하면 어렵지 않게 답을 선택할 수 있다.







A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps conforming to other countries’ style; interestingly, the national team has declined since that time.


Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene. They won 25 of the first 28 World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games. ( ) The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms covered in red from head to toe, a strong contrast to the more conservative North American style featuring grey or white pants. ( ) Not only were their athletic talents superior, the Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms. ( ) A game would not even start and the opposing team would already be scared. ( ) The country that ruled international baseball for decades has not been on top since that uniform change. ( ) Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust to keep up with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface.

* conservative: 보수적인



키워드: Cuba baseball team, uniform style, uniform change


키워드를 통해 글의 내용을 쿠바 야구팀의 유니폼 스타일이 변화함으로써 경기력의 변화에 대한 글 내용으로 파악하면 되는 글 내용이다.

이번 문제에서는 쿠파팀의 유니폼이 바뀌고 경기력이 약화되었다는 글 내용 다음에 이어질 부분을 찾아보면 어렵지 않게 풀수 있는 문제이다.