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2023년 11월 고1 41,42번 문제 풀이

by 케미1004 2024. 1. 18.

키워드를 통한 글의 내용 파악 후 문제 풀이

"When clicked, the image enlarges."


2023년 11월 고1 41,42번 문제 풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


[41~42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air. It moves, accordingly, in a (a) curved path. Now the path does not represent the working of any particular force; there is simply the (b) combination of the three elementary forces mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action. In the same way, when two or more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement into a group are things which would not be (c) concealed if we confined our attention to each individual separately. The significance of group behavior is greatly (d) increased in the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by other persons acting as stimuli. An individual in complete (e) isolation would not reveal their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective tendencies towards children. This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals.

* inertia: 관성 ** arouse: 유발하다


41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Common Misunderstandings in Physics

Collaboration: A Key to Success in Relationships

Interpersonal Traits and Their Impact on Science

Unbalanced Forces Causing Objects to Accelerate

Human Traits Uncovered by Interpersonal Relationships



42. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3]

(a)         (b)            (c)           (d)               (e)


키워드를 보면 A ball, inertia, gravity, the resistance of the air을 통해서 한 물질의 특성은 관성에 의해 운동상태를 그대로 지속하려하는데 중력, 공기의 저항의 방해작용에 의해 멈추어지는 성질을 인간(a ball) 본성의 특성(inertia)에 적용하여 인간본성의 특성도 다른 개인들과의 관계(gravity, the resistance of the air)가 관여되면 드러날 수 있다는 글 내용이다.