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2023년 11월 고1 모의고사 31,32번 빈칸문제

by 케미1004 2024. 1. 14.


키워드를 통한 글의 내용 파악해 문제 풀이 


"When clicked, the image enlarges."


2023년 11월 고1 모의고사 31,32번 빈칸문제 풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


[3134] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


A remarkable characteristic of the visual system is that it has the ability of _________________________. Psychologist George M. Stratton made this clear in an impressive self-experiment. Stratton wore reversing glasses for several days, which literally turned the world upside down for him. In the beginning, this caused him great difficulties: just putting food in his mouth with a fork was a challenge for him. With time, however, his visual system adjusted to the new stimuli from reality, and he was able to act normally in his environment again, even seeing it upright when he concentrated. As he took off his reversing glasses, he was again confronted with problems: he used the wrong hand when he wanted to reach for something, for example. Fortunately, Stratton could reverse the perception, and he did not have to wear reversing glasses for the rest of his life. For him, everything returned to normal after one day.

* reverse: 뒤집다, 반전시키다

adapting itself visualizing ideas

assessing distances functioning irregularly

operating independently


키워드: visual system


키워드를 시각체계로 보고 글의 내용을 파악하는데 다음 볼딕체에서 여 reversing 안경을 착용한다. 그리고 시간이 지나면서 시각체계는 새로운 자극에 적응했다라는 글의 내용을 파악하면 쉽게 답을 선택할 수 있을 듯 하다.





Participants in a study were asked to answer questions like “Why does the moon have phases?” Half the participants were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the other half weren’t allowed to do so. Then, in the second part of the study, all of the participants were presented with a new set of questions, such as “Why does Swiss cheese have holes?” These questions were unrelated to the ones asked during the first part of the study, so participants [who used the internet] had absolutely no advantage over those [who hadn’t]. You would think that both sets of participants would be equally sure or unsure about how well they could answer the new questions. But those [who used the internet in the first part of the study] rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those [who hadn’t], even about questions [they hadn’t searched online for]. The study suggests that having access to unrelated information was enough to ______________________________________.

* phase: (달의) ()

improve their judgment skills

pump up their intellectual confidence

make them endure challenging situations

lead to a collaboration among the participants

motivate them to pursue in-depth knowledge



한 질문에 인터넷을 검색해서 답을 찾아보도록 한 그룹과 그렇지 않은 그룹에게 이번에는 연관되지 않은 질문을 주고 같은 조건에서 대답을 요구하였을 때 먼저 인터넷 검색을 사용했던 그룹의 참가자들이 더 많은 지식을 가지고 있다고 평가하는 글 내용으로 먼저 답을 찾았던 참가자들은 무관한 정보에 접근하는 것에도 자신감을 표출할 수 있다는 글 내용으로 이해하면 어렵지 않게 풀이 가능할 듯하다.