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2023년 11월 고1 모의고사 글의 의미, 요지, 주제, 제목 문제

by 케미1004 2024. 1. 12.

키워드를 통한 글의 내용 파악해 문제 풀이

"When clicked, the image enlarges."


2023년 11월 고1 모의고사 21~24번 문제 풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


21. 밑줄 친 our brain and the universe meet가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3]

Many people take the commonsense view that color is an objective property of things, or of the light that bounces off them. They say a tree’s leaves are green because they reflect green light a greenness that is just as real as the leaves. Others argue that color doesn’t inhabit the physical world at all but exists only in the eye or mind of the viewer. They maintain that if a tree fell in a forest and no one was there to see it, its leaves would be colorless and so would everything else. They say there is no such thing as color; there are only the people who see it. Both positions are, in a way, correct. Color is objective and subjective “the place,” as Paul Cézanne put it, “where our brain and the universe meet.” Color is created when light from the world is registered by the eyes and interpreted by the brain.


we see things beyond the range of perception

objects appear different by the change of light

your perspectives and others’ reach an agreement

our mind and physical reality interact with each other

structures of the human brain and the universe are similar


색에 관한 글 내용으로 색은 객관적이고 주관적이라고 하면서 밑줄 our brain and the universe meet의 의미를 생각해 보는 문제로 brain을 주관적으로 universe를 객관적으로 생각해 보면서 접근해 보면 쉽게 답을 선택할 수 있을 듯.


22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

When writing a novel, research for information needs to be done. The thing is that some kinds of fiction demand a higher level of detail: crime fiction, for example, or scientific thrillers. The information is never hard to find; one website for authors even organizes trips to police stations, so that crime writers can get it right. Often, a polite letter will earn you permission to visit a particular location and record all the details that you need. But remember that you will drive your readers to boredom if you think that you need to pack everything you discover into your work. The details [that matter] are those [that reveal the human experience]. The crucial thing is telling a story, finding the characters, the tension, and the conflict not the train timetable or the building blueprint.


작품의 완성도는 작가의 경험의 양에 비례한다.

작가의 상상력은 가장 훌륭한 이야기 재료이다.

소설에서 사건 전개에 대한 묘사는 구체적일수록 좋다.

소설을 쓸 때 독자의 관심사를 먼저 고려하는 것이 중요하다.

소설에 포함될 세부 사항은 인간의 경험을 드러내는 것이어야 한다.


볼딕체만 잘 보면 답을 선택하기 어렵지 않을 듯 키워드 찾기의 중요성




23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Nearly everything has to go through your mouth to get to the rest of you, from food and air to bacteria and viruses. A healthy mouth can help your body get what it needs and prevent it from harm with adequate space for air to travel to your lungs, and healthy teeth and gums that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering your bloodstream. From the moment you are created, oral health affects every aspect of your life. What happens in the mouth is usually just the tip of the iceberg and a reflection of what is happening in other parts of the body. Poor oral health can be a cause of a disease that affects the entire body. The microorganisms in an unhealthy mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel anywhere in the body, posing serious health risks.

* microorganism: 미생물


the way the immune system fights viruses

the effect of unhealthy eating habits on the body

the difficulty in raising awareness about oral health

the importance of oral health and its impact on the body

the relationship between oral health and emotional well-being



볼딕체만 잘 보면 답을 선택하기 어렵지 않을 듯 키워드 찾기의 중요성


24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Kids tire of their toys, college students get sick of cafeteria food, and sooner or later most of us lose interest in our favorite TV shows. The bottom line is that we humans are easily bored. But why should this be true? The answer lies buried deep in our nerve cells, which are designed to reduce their initial excited response to stimuli each time they occur. At the same time, these neurons enhance their responses to things that change especially things that change quickly. We probably evolved this way because our ancestors got more survival value, for example, from attending to what was moving in a tree (such as a puma) than to the tree itself. Boredom in reaction to an unchanging environment turns down the level of neural excitation so that new stimuli (like our ancestor’s hypothetical puma threat) stand out more. It’s the neural equivalent of turning off a front door light to see the fireflies.


* neural: 신경의 ** hypothetical: 가정(假定), 가설상의*** equivalent: (~) 같은 것, 대응물


The Brain’s Brilliant Trick to Overcome Fear

Boredom: Neural Mechanism for Detecting Change

Humans’ Endless Desire to Pursue Familiar Experiences

The Destruction of Nature in Exchange for Human Survival

How Humans Changed the Environment to Their Advantage



볼딕체만 잘 보면 답을 선택하기 어렵지 않을 듯 키워드 찾기의 중요성