2024년 5월 고3 모의고사 (18~30번)문제풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
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고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다
18번: 글의 목적 (영화 촬영 허가 요청서)
My name is Rohan Kaul, the producer of the upcoming film 'Upagrah.' I am reaching out to you regarding a matter of importance <concerning the shooting of some scenes for our film>. We have identified Gulab Park, Mumbai, as an ideal location for these scenes. We are hoping <to conduct this shoot on 3rd June 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m>. We have chosen Monday for the shooting day to minimize traffic issues and disruption to the public. During the shoot, our team promises to follow all rules and regulations, ensuring no inconvenience is caused to the public. We would be so grateful [if you granted permission for the shoot [so that we can put the beautiful scenery of the park in our film]]. We look forward to your response.
Main Idea :
Rohan Kaul seeks permission to shoot scenes for the film 'Upagrah' at Gulab Park in Mumbai.
Rohan Kaul, producer of 'Upagrah,' requests to film scenes at Gulab Park, Mumbai, on 3rd June 2024, promising minimal disruption by adhering to regulations and selecting a low-traffic day.
19번: 심경변화 (잘못된 퀴즈로 인한 학생의 긴장 해소)
Charles was taking a quiz in his math class. He stared at the questions, but they looked completely unfamiliar. Charles flipped through the pages of the quiz for a while. His palms grew sweaty as he realized that he didn't know a single answer. A moment later, a few other students began raising their hands. One said, "I don't think we ever learned about the stuff on this quiz, Mrs. Smith." The teacher quickly looked over a copy of the quiz and announced, "I'm sorry, class. It appears that I have given you the wrong quiz by mistake. We'll take the right quiz next class." As Charles heard what the teacher said, the tension in his shoulders began to melt away.
Main Idea :
Charles experienced stress during a quiz when he realized the questions were unfamiliar.
Charles felt anxious upon encountering unfamiliar quiz questions, but was relieved when the teacher acknowledged distributing the wrong quiz and postponed it to the next class.
2024년 의대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 순위
2024년 의대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 순위에 대해 알아보겟습니다. 현재 의대 정원 3천 58명중 의대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 31개 학교에서 1천 3백 4명으로 43%가 진학을 했습니다. 의대 진학률이
20번: 필자의 주장 (중년의 연결 조직 부상에 대한 근육 훈련 권장)
When you are middle-aged, the risk of connective tissue injuries peaks as decreased load tolerance combines with continued high activity levels. The path of least resistance is to stop doing the things that hurt ― avoid uncomfortable movements and find easier forms of exercise. However, that's the exact opposite of what you should do. There is a path forward. But it doesn't involve following the typical pain management advice of rest, ice, and medicine, which multiple reviews have shown is not effective for treating age-related joint pain and dysfunction. These methods do nothing more than treat superficial symptoms. The only practical solution is <to strengthen your body with muscle training>. Whether you've been training for a few years or a few decades, or haven't ever stepped foot in the weight room, it's not too late to restore your body, build real strength, and achieve your physical potential.
Main Idea:
Overcoming Age-Related Connective Tissue Injuries with Strength Training
Middle-aged adults <experiencing joint pain> should prioritize muscle training over traditional pain management methods like rest and medication, [which often fail to address the root cause of their symptoms].
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 전국 37개 학교
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 전국 37개 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 학교명 지역 고교유형 수시 정시 인원 용인외대부고 용인 전국자사고 28 38 66 대원외고 광진구 외고 24 21 45 중동고 강남 광역
21번: 함축의미 (눈을 통한 시각적 인식)
Turn the lights out and point the beam of a small flashlight up into one of your eyes. Shake the beam around while moving your gaze up and down. You should catch glimpses of what look like delicate branches. These branches are shadows of the blood vessels that lie on top of your retina. The vessels constantly cast shadows as light streams into the eye, but because these shadows never move, the brain ceases responding to them. Moving the flashlight beam around shifts the shadows just enough to make them momentarily visible. Now you might wonder if you could cause an image to fade just by staring at something unmoving. But that is not possible because the visual system constantly jiggles the eye muscles, which prevents the perfect stabilization of images of the world. These muscle movements are unbelievably small, but their effect is huge. Without them, we would go blind by tuning out what we see shortly after fixating our gaze! It's an interesting notion: Approximate perfection is better than perfect perfection.
1. What makes your vision blurry actually protects your eyes.
2. The more quickly an object moves, the more sensitively eyes react.
3. Eyes exposed to intense light are subject to distortion of images.
4. Constant adjustment of focusing makes your eye muscles tired.
5. Shaky eye-muscle movement let us see what the brain might ignore.
Main Idea :
Shining a flashlight into the eye reveals normally unseen shadows of retinal blood vessels, illustrating an unusual visual phenomenon.
Using a flashlight to manipulate eye lighting can reveal the shadowy outlines of retinal blood vessels, showcasing how subtle eye movements are crucial in preventing the visual system from tuning out static images.
22번: 요지 (경제적 고려사항으로 경시되는 야생 보호)
Most opposition to wilderness preservation doesn't come from environmentalists but from corporate interests and developers. When wild places are designated as wilderness, they are closed to most commercial activities and residential or infrastructure development. There is thus frequently an economic cost to wilderness preservation. Some critics claim that when wilderness and economic interests clash, economic interests should normally prevail. This argument, even if it is sound, won't exclude all wilderness preservation efforts, because some wilderness areas have little economic value. But a deeper problem with the argument is that it views nature from a human-focused and excessively economic point of view. Allowing economic considerations to outweigh all other forms of value is inconsistent with the biocentric reasons that support wilderness preservation. Thus, while it certainly makes sense to weigh the economic costs of wilderness protection, especially when such costs are high, the biocentric values <underlying wilderness preservation> exclude viewing economic considerations as the most important.
Main Idea:
While economic considerations are important in wilderness preservation debates, they should not overshadow the biocentric values that fundamentally justify protecting these areas.
Critics often prioritize economic interests in wilderness preservation debates, but this approach overlooks the biocentric values essential to the concept of wilderness, which argue against reducing nature to mere economic resource.
23번: 주제 (낮에 우리의 몸을 나른하게 하는 아데노신의 효과를 차단하는 카페인의 역할)
During the day, a molecule <called adenosine> builds up in your brain. Adenosine binds with receptors on nerve cells, or neurons, <slowing down their activity and making you feel drowsy>. But caffeine is also able to bind with these receptors, and by doing so it blocks adenosine's effect, making your neurons fire more and keeping you alert. Caffeine also activates a gland at the base of your brain. This releases hormones that tell the adrenal glands on your kidneys to produce adrenaline, causing your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise. [If, however, your daily caffeine intake is consistent], your brain will adapt to it. Your brain is like, 'Okay, every morning I'm getting this caffeine that's binding to these receptors and blocking adenosine from binding to them.' So your brain creates extra receptors to give adenosine more of an opportunity to bind with them and have its usual effect. And more adenosine is also produced to counteract the caffeine. That's why it takes more and more caffeine to have the same effect.
Main Idea:
With consistent caffeine intake, the brain adapts by creating more adenosine receptors and producing more adenosine, which diminishes caffeine's effectiveness and increases tolerance.
Caffeine blocks the effects of adenosine, a molecule that induces drowsiness, by binding to its receptors, which keeps you alert. Over time, consistent caffeine consumption leads the brain to compensate by increasing adenosine receptors and production, necessitating higher doses of caffeine for the same alertness effect.
24번: 제목 (바다가 푸른색으로 보이는 원인 설명)
<When viewed from space>, one of the Earth's most commanding features is the blueness of its vast oceans. Small amounts of water do not indicate the color of these large bodies of water; when pure drinking water is examined in a glass, it appears clear and colorless. Apparently a relatively large volume of water is required to reveal the blue color. Why is this so? [When light penetrates water], it experiences both absorption and scattering. Water molecules strongly absorb infrared and, to a lesser degree, red light. At the same time, water molecules are small enough to scatter shorter wavelengths, giving water its blue-green color. The amount of long-wavelength absorption is a function of depth; the deeper the water, the more red light is absorbed. At a depth of 15m, the intensity of red light drops to 25% of its original value and falls to zero beyond a depth of 30m. Any object viewed at this depth is seen in a blue-green light. For this reason, red inhabitants of the sea, such as lobsters and crabs, appear black to divers not carrying a lamp.
Main Idea:
The blue color of the ocean is primarily due to the absorption of longer wavelengths and the scattering of shorter wavelengths by water molecules.
The vast blue appearance of the ocean from space results from selective light absorption and scattering by water molecules, which absorb red and infrared light while scattering shorter, blue-green wavelengths. Deeper water intensifies this effect, causing red light to weaken significantly, which alters the apparent color of objects submerged at depth.
29번: 어법 (새로운 병원균의 적응과 전파 과정)
When a new pathogen emerges, one way [it transitions from wherever it has been living into a new host] may be the acquisition of new traits. Imagine [that <in its hourly struggle to survive over long periods of time and many generations>, a fungus species might acquire a protective capsule ― a bit of coating ― [that shields it or even masks it from other microbes or cells]]. Then it acquires some enzymes that enable it to survive whatever chemicals other microbes might throw at it. If it can overcome these chemicals, it may also overcome the same or similar chemicals used as antifungal drugs. Maybe it also evolves to tolerate warmer temperatures. Now we've got a yeast that once made its home in an apple tree or in a wetland but that at this point can live quite happily in our body, hide from our immune system, and disarm our drugs. Then some of us carry it from one country to another and then another, and eventually it finds a host in a hospital patient [who has recently received an organ transplant or are elderly with a weakened immune system]. 병렬로 are을 is로 바꾸어야 한다.
Main Idea :
Pathogens like certain fungi can acquire new traits such as protective coatings and enzymes to survive environmental challenges and antimicrobial substances.
Pathogens evolve over time, gaining traits that allow them to survive harsh conditions and resist antimicrobial drugs, which can enable them to infect and thrive in human hosts, including those with compromised immune systems, such as hospital patients or the elderly.
30번: 어휘 (경험에 연결된 감정에 의해 형성된 기억)
Memory is shaped by emotions <connected to an experience>. For this reason, inaccuracies often hide the full picture of what happened. For example, a company might decide to hire a consultant to assist with a major project. During this project, the consultant demonstrated some personality traits that clashed with a couple of the executives involved. Through the course of the project, they were able to put aside the personality conflicts in order to see their vision become a reality. Ultimately, the project was a success, enabling the company to move forward and profit. At a later date, the company, remembering the previous success, expressed an interest in hiring the same consultant for another large project. The executives who struggled with his personality last time may most vividly remember their difficulty in overcoming his personality and related emotions. In this case, the success of the project fades into the background as they focus on their previous experience, colored by their feelings of discomfort. As a result, they convince the company to rehire the consultant, making project completion more difficult.
불편이라는 감정에 의해 물든 이전의 경험이 있는 사람들은 회사가 그 자문 위원을 배제하도록한다. 따라서 rehire을 exclude로 바꿔야 한다.
Main Idea #1:
Emotions <linked to experiences> can significantly influence memory recall, potentially leading to biased decision-making in professional settings.
Emotionally charged memories, such as the discomfort from personality clashes with a consultant, can overshadow the success of past collaborations, influencing future business decisions negatively and complicating project executions.
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