키워드를 통한 글의 내용 파악해 문제 풀이
2023년 11월 고2 모의고사 빈칸문제 풀이에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Coincidence [that is statistically impossible] seems to us like an irrational event, and some define it as a miracle. But, as Montaigne has said, “the origin of a miracle is in our __________, at the level of our knowledge of nature, and not in nature itself.” Glorious miracles have been later on discovered to be obedience to the laws of nature or a technological development [that was not widely known at the time]. As the German poet, Goethe, phrased it: “Things that are mysterious are not yet miracles.” The miracle assumes the intervention of a “higher power” in its occurrence [that is beyond human capability to grasp]. Yet there are methodical and simple ways to “cause a miracle” without divine revelation and inspiration. Instead of checking it out, investigating and finding the source of the event, we define it as a miracle. The miracle, then, is the excuse of those [who are too lazy to think]. [3점]
* revelation: 계시
① ignorance ② flexibility
③ excellence ④ satisfaction
⑤ exaggeration
우연은 기적인가? 기적은 자연의 법칙의 복종 또는 그 당시에 알려지지 않은 기술적 발전에 있다고 Montaigne이 말한 것으로 유추하여 기적이라는 것은 널리 분포해 있지만 우리가 파악할 수 있는 능력을 넘어서 있는 것으로 우리가 이해하려고 하면 알 수 있는 것이라는 글 내용으로 파악하면 쉽게 답을 선택할 수 있다.
마직막 문장에서 기적은 생각하기에 너무 게으른 사람들의 변명이라는 글 내용도 생각해 보면 답은 쉽게 선택할 수 있을 것이다.
Information <encountered after an event> can influence subsequent remembering. External information can easily integrate into a witness’s memory, especially if the event was poorly encoded or the memory is from a distant event, in which case time and forgetting have degraded the original memory. With reduced information available in memory with which to confirm the validity of post-event misinformation, it is less likely that __________________________________. Instead, especially when it fits the witness’s current thinking and can be used to create a story that makes sense to him or her, it may be integrated as part of the original experience. This process can be explicit (i.e., the witness knows it is happening), but it is often unconscious. That is, the witness might find himself or herself thinking about the event differently without awareness. Over time, the witness may not even know the source of information that led to the (new) memory. Sources of misinformation in forensic contexts can be encountered anywhere, from discussions with other witnesses to social media searches to multiple interviews with investigators or other legal professionals, and even in court. [3점]
* forensic: 법정의
① this new information will be rejected
② people will deny the experience of forgetting
③ interference between conflicting data will occur
④ the unconscious will be involved in the recall process
⑤ a recent event will last longer in memory than a distant one
한 사건 후에 마주하게 되는 정보는 후속의 기억하는 것에 영향을 끼칠 수 있다는 글은 다시 말해 보면 먼저 있었던 일에 영향을 받지 않는 우리의 정보는 새로운 정보(후속의 정보)에 영향을 덜 받을 수 있다는 글 내용으로 이해하면 정답을 선택할 수 있을 것이다.
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