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2025학년도 수능대비 EBS 수능특강 유형편 16강 문장삽입 문제

by 케미1004 2024. 2. 20.

2025학년도 수능특강 16강 문장삽입 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.

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문장삽입문제 또한 글의 순서와 비슷하게 대명사의 쓰임과 연결 사를 잘 확인하고 새로운 단어의 등장 또한 주의해서 확인하면서 문제를 접근하는 것이 중요합니다.



2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 전국 37개 학교

2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 전국 37개 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 학교명 지역 고교유형 수시 정시 인원 용인외대부고 용인 전국자사고 28 38 66 대원외고 광진구 외고 24 21 45 중동고 강남 광역


[Gate Way] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 한 곳을 고르시오.

Yes, some contests are seen as world class, such as identification of the Higgs particle or the development of high temperature superconductors.


Science is sometimes described as a winner-take-all contest, meaning that there are no rewards for being second or third. This is an extreme view of the nature of scientific contests. ( ) Even those who describe scientific contests in such a way note that it is a somewhat inaccurate description, given that replication and verification have social value and are common in science. ( ) It is also inaccurate to the extent that it suggests that only a handful of contests exist. ( ) But many other contests have multiple parts, and the number of such contests may be increasing. ( ) By way of example, for many years it was thought that there would be "one" cure for cancer, but it is now realized that cancer takes multiple forms and that multiple approaches are needed to provide a cure. ( ) There won't be one winner there will be many.


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Science is sometimes described as a winner-take-all contest, This is an extreme view of the nature of scientific contests


글 내용: 과학은 승자 독식의 경쟁으로 묘사되어진다. 이는 극단적인 견해이다라는 글내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[E-1] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

City directories and telephone books from all cities in a reporter's area of coverage are valuable tools, as are internal directories of the organizations he or she will encounter on the beat.


As soon as a reporter is assigned to a specialized beat, he or she should read several basic books on that subject to become familiar in a general way with how the beat works. ( ) If a governmental area is involved for example, a state legislature or a court system a reporter should not go on a first assignment without knowing how that particular unit operates. ( ) Libraries contain such books, although it is better for reporters to buy their own copies for future reference. ( ) No medical reporter can work successfully without a good medical dictionary, for example. ( ) Nor should a business reporter be without a basic economics text. ( ) Having such numbers which are often impossible to obtain officially - will enable a reporter to bypass obstacles and reach potential sources quickly.

* beat: ( 관할 ) 구역 * bypass: 우회하다


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: a reporter is assigned to a specialized beat


글 내용: 기자의 정보 습득하는 글내용으로 기자가 한 전문적인 영역에 배정을 받게 되면 그 기자는 그 영역에 친숙해지기 위해 기본 서적 사서 여러 번 읽어야 한다라는 글내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[E-2] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

But none of this intergroup variation and intragroup commonality would have anything to do with the workings of culture.


Cultural and behavioral diversity can result from humans' innate ability to flexibly respond to their environments, to engage in social learning, and to make culture (an ability which is itself a part of the social suite). ( ) The diversity might conceal an underlying universality that, paradoxically, might relate more to our genes than to cultural exigencies. ( ) Evolutionary psychologists John Tooby and Leda Cosmides provide a fanciful illustration of this idea. ( ) They suggest a thought experiment in which aliens replace humans with jukeboxes, each of which has a repertoire of thousands of songs and the ability to play a particular song according to where and when it is. ( ) We would then observe that jukeboxes in different parts of the world played different songs at different times, songs that were similar to those on the jukeboxes near them. ( ) This is a way of illustrating that humans mighty have an inborn ability to respond flexibly but also predictably to their environment.

* innate: 타고난 * exigency: 필요성, 본질적 요구


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Cultural and behavioral diversity can result from humans' innate ability to flexibly respond to their environments, to engage in social learning, and to make culture


글 내용: 인간의 환경에 대한 유연하게 대응하는 인간의 본능적 능력이 문화적 행동적 다양성을 만들어 냈다는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[E-3] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Today, leaders must discipline themselves to look at problems and opportunities with a fresh eye.


When companies select leaders, two of the first questions they ask are, "Has he done anything like this before?" "What is his track record?" ( ) We assume that if that person has done it before (and done it well), he can do it again. ( ) Experience is still important for leaders, and there are times when it is the most effective predictor of future success. ( ) The problem, however, is that because of constantly improving technology, processes, and best practices in a world that is constantly changing and where success is being continually redefined, experience can be a handicap. ( ) This is difficult because people naturally want to repeat an approach that worked in a similar situation. ( ) It is a challenge to consider an alternative to what brought you success in the past or to your current position in the present.


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: leader


글 내용: 옛날과 오늘날 회사가 원하는 리더의 자질에서의 변화에 관한 내용 즉 예전에는 경험을 중요시했는데, 빠르게 변화하고 있는 현재에는 경험보다는 새로운 시각으로 문제를 해결하는 것이 중요하다는 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[E-4] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Yet biomedical pills and tablets are prepared in ways that deemphasize smells <considered to be more palatable>.


Smell is not just a sense that determines taste: it is also a powerful force that stimulates desire and may even overwhelm the other senses. In the past decade, aromatherapy has emerged as an alternative healing practice, as well as a new product to be advertised to consumers. ( ) Some stores spread scents of freshly baked bread or apple pie to encourage shoppers to stay longer and buy more. ( ) Smells are also important for distinguishing between edible and inedible foods. ( ) Herbal medicine stores frequently have a wide variety of pungent odors. ( ) The preparation of herbal medicines may include cooking plants into liquid form or distilling essences with alcohol, which often creates an odor. ( ) The absence of smells further distances medicine from food.

*palatable: 맛이 좋은 **pungent: 자극적인 ***distill: 증류하다



Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Smell is not just a sense that determines taste, it is also a powerful force that stimulates desire and may even overwhelm the other senses


글 내용: 냄새는 맛을 결정하는데 그치지 않고 욕구를 자극하고 다른 감각을 압도할 수 있는 것이다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[E-5] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

When it comes to social activities, such as whom to date and what clubs to join, they are more likely to discuss them with peers.


The divergence between parental and peer values does not necessarily lead to a hostile confrontation between parents and teenagers. ( ) In fact, most youngsters are just as friendly with parents as with peers. ( ) They simply engage in different types of activities work and task activities with parents, play and recreation with peers. ( ) Concerning financial, educational, career, and other serious matters, such as what to spend money on and what occupation to choose, youths are inclined to seek advice from parents. ( ) This reflects the great importance placed by the peer group on other-directed behavior, looking to others for approval and support as opposed to reliance on personal beliefs and traditional values. ( ) Peer groups, in effect, demand conformity at the expense of independence and individuality.

*divergence:차이 **hostile: 적대적인 대립 ***confrontation: 대면



Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: The divergence between parental and peer values does not necessarily lead to a hostile confrontation between parents and teenagers.


글 내용: 부모와 친구의 가치의 차이가 반드시 부모와 십대사이의 적대적 대립을 이끄는 것은 아니다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.


[E-6] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Even if not immediately intuitive, there are a (admittedly small) number of situations in which the ability to deliver painful stimulation comes in handy within mediated environments.


One important point <related to the possibility of reproducing believable tactile sensations in virtual or machine-mediated environments> lies in the role of "pain." ( ) Certainly, a number of real interactions can never be entirely believable without the presence of painful stimulation. ( ) However, one might wonder whether reproducing such kinds of stimulation would ever be of any use within virtual or mediated interactions, ( ) Shouldn't a "virtual" world be, in some sense, "better" without pain? ( ) In fact, numerous attempts have been made over the course of the last few years to reproduce these aspects of our perception as well. ( ) This may occur in video games to increase the realism of the simulation or even more importantly in training programs for soldiers where pain is an occupational hazard and will need to be dealt with.

*intuitive: 직관적인 **tactile: 촉각의 위 ***hazard:


Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: One important point related to the possibility of reproducing believable tactile sensations in virtual or machine-mediated environments lies in the role of "pain."


글 내용: 가상이나 기계로 매개되는 환경에서 촉감을 재현할 수 있는 한 가지 중요한 것은 고통의 역할에 있다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.