2025학년도 수능특강 13강 빈칸 5~8번까지 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.
Exercise 05 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
As Marshall McLuhan suggested so presciently in 1964, "the medium is the message, " which means that, beyond the content that is conveyed, the medium itself has an impact by its very nature and unique characteristics. For example, the use of social media means that we have less need to interact with others directly. This distancing of communication has real implications for children's development. If learning to communicate with others is a skill that develops with practice, children's constant use of social media reduces the experiences they have with which to learn social skills. McLuhan asserts that we are so focused on the content of the technology that we neglect to notice the influence of the technology itself on people. This observation is certainly true today: we focus on what the technology provides (e.g., video, text messages, social media), but we fail to consider ______________________________.
* presciently: 예지력 있게
① how much these technologies benefit us
② that technology is just a container for thought
③ how the very act of using these advances shapes us
④ why it is challenging for us to adapt to technological advances
⑤ that new technology helps children's development in multiple ways
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: the medium, social media, we have less need to interact with others directly, distancing of communication has real implications for children's development
글 내용: 대중매체, 다른 사람들과의 직접적 상호관계가 적어지게 하는 것으로 의사소통의 거리감은 아이들의 발달에 나쁜 쪽으로 영향을 끼친다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
Exercise 06 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Cities ______________________________. In the last few decades, many have worked to reduce pollution and create appealing modern spaces by restricting polluting vehicles, encouraging energy-efficient buildings, and planting trees. In 2020, another impetus for change came in the form of COVID-19, which saw retail centres empty, businesses send workers home, and some question whether crowded cities were a safe environment. Yet cities have responded to changing circumstances in the past. Through the first kingdoms of Mesopotamia, global expansion, and the Industrial Revolution, they have evolved to remain at the heart of politics, economics, and culture. The history of the world is very much a history of great cities, and whatever future we build, these sites of trade, creativity, and transformation are likely to be at the heart of it.
* impetus: (일의 추진에 필요한) 원동력, 자극
① keep causing cultural conflicts
② continue to reinvent themselves
③ attract people from all walks of life
④ act as engines of economic development
⑤ shift in response to the needs of their citizens
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Cities, reduce pollution and create appealing modern spaces by restricting polluting vehicles, encouraging energy-efficient buildings, and planting trees.
글 내용: 도시에 관한 글 내용으로 세계의 역사는 큰 도시의 역사이므로 오염을 줄이고 나쁜 것들은 규제하고 좋은 것들을 장려하는 것으로 도시를 발달시켜야 한다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
Exercise 07 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Human cultures seem to be infinitely variable, but in fact that variability takes place within the boundaries produced by physical and mental capacities. Human languages, for example, are tremendously diverse, differing in sound, grammar, and semantics. But all are dependent upon what appears to be a uniquely human capacity and predisposition for learning languages. While the range of sounds used in human languages extends from clicks and pops to guttural stops, the distinctive speech sounds that are meaningful in all the languages of the world are but a fraction of the sounds it is possible for humans to make. Another way that we might observe the intricate relationship between ______________________________ is in the way an American boy and his Mixtec friends might react emotionally, even instinctively, to bee larvae and onion soup: whether they feel delight or disgust is determined by the way they learn to perceive food, but delight and disgust seem to be basic and universal human reactions to food.
* guttural stop: 후두 폐쇄음 ** intricate: 복잡한 *** larva: 애벌레 (pl. larvae)
① group size and conformity
② personal choice and collective decision
③ the culturally specific and the universal
④ the cultural behavior and the environment
⑤ subjective interpretation and objective reality
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Human cultures, variability, within the boundaries produced by physical and mental capacities, emotionally, even instinctively
글 내용: 인류 문화들은 신체적 그리고 정신적 능력에 의해 만들어진 경계 내에서 다양성인 것처럼 보이는데 감정적 심지어 본능적으로 반응한다라는 글 내용으로 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
Exercise 08 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Think about what happens in a standard scientific experiment to find out how a certain laundry detergent bleaches. In normal use, there are several factors that may cause the detergent to act in a certain way. These will include its active ingredients, the type and temperature of the water in which the ingredients are mixed, the materials being cleaned and the machinery — if any — used to do the laundry. Any experiment that could hope to discover what caused bleaching would have to be devised in such a way as to ensure that ______________________________. So if, for example, the hypothesis is that it is the chlorine that does the bleaching, the experiment needs to show that if all the other factors remain the same, the presence or absence of the chlorine will determine whether the laundry detergent bleaches.
* detergent: 세제 ** bleach: 표백하다 *** chlorine: 염소
① the hypothesis could be rejected by unexpected variables
② the experiment was one that researchers have not tried before
③ the crucial factors were properly isolated from the other variables
④ the detergent being used could help any machinery do the laundry well
⑤ the factors in the experiment were all closely connected with each other
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: standard scientific experiment, normal use
글 내용: 표준 과학 실험과 정상적인 사용이라는 표현을 통해 빈칸에서 요구하는 표백을 일으키는 원인을 발견하기를 바라는 어떠한 실험도 표준 과학실험과 정상적인 사용을 해야 한다라고 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
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