2023학년도 수능 문제 볼딕체와 밑줄만 보면 답이 보인다
18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
To whom it may concern,
My name is Michael Brown. I have been a bird-watcher since childhood. I have always enjoyed watching birds in my yard and identifying them by sight and sound. Yesterday, I happened to read an article about your club. I was surprised and excited to find out about a community of passionate bird-watchers who travel annually to go birding. I would love to join your club, but your website appears to be under construction. I could not find any information except for this contact email address. I would like to know how to sign up for the club. I look forward to your reply.
Michael Brown
① 조류 관찰 클럽에 가입하는 방법을 문의하려고
② 조류 관찰 시 주의해야 할 사항을 전달하려고
③ 조류 관찰 협회의 새로운 규정을 확인하려고
④ 조류 관찰과 관련된 웹 사이트를 소개하려고
⑤ 조류 관찰 시 필요한 장비를 알아보려고
19. 다음 글에 드러난 Jamie의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
Putting all of her energy into her last steps of the running race, Jamie crossed the finish line. To her disappointment, she had failed to beat her personal best time, again. Jamie had pushed herself for months to finally break her record, but it was all for nothing. Recognizing how she felt about her failure, Ken, her teammate, approached her and said, “Jamie, even though you didn’t set a personal best time today, your performances have improved dramatically. Your running skills have progressed so much! You’ll definitely break your personal best time in the next race!” After hearing his comments, she felt confident about herself. Jamie, now motivated to keep pushing for her goal, replied with a smile. “You’re right! Next race, I’ll beat my best time for sure!”
① indifferent → regretful ② pleased → bored
③ frustrated → encouraged ④ nervous → fearful
⑤ calm → excited
20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
필자가 어필하고자 하는 문장은 명령문, must, should 문장이나 정의의 문장을 찾아보면 된다.
At every step in our journey through life we encounter junctions with many different pathways leading into the distance. Each choice involves uncertainty about which path will get you to your destination. Trusting our intuition to make the choice often ends up with us making a suboptimal choice. Turning the uncertainty into numbers has proved a potent way of analyzing the paths and finding the shortcut to your destination. The mathematical theory of probability hasn’t eliminated risk, but it allows us to manage that risk more effectively. The strategy is <to analyze all the possible scenarios [that the future holds]> and then <to see [what proportion of them lead to success or failure]>. This gives you a much better map of the future on which to base your decisions about which path to choose.
* junction: 분기점 ** suboptimal: 차선의
① 성공적인 삶을 위해 미래에 대한 구체적인 계획을 세워야 한다.
② 중요한 결정을 내릴 때에는 자신의 직관에 따라 판단해야 한다.
③ 더 나은 선택을 위해 성공 가능성을 확률적으로 분석해야 한다.
④ 빠른 목표 달성을 위해 지름길로 가고자 할 때 신중해야 한다.
⑤ 인생의 여정에서 선택에 따른 결과를 스스로 책임져야 한다.
21. 밑줄 친 부분이 다음 글에서 의미 하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
Coming of age in the 18th and 19th centuries, the personal diary became a centerpiece in the construction of a modern subjectivity, at the heart of which is the application of reason and critique to the understanding of world and self, which allowed the creation of a new kind of knowledge. Diaries were central media through which enlightened and free subjects could be constructed. They provided a space where one could write daily about her whereabouts, feelings, and thoughts. Over time and with rereading, disparate entries, events, and happenstances could be rendered into insights and narratives about the self, and allowed for the formation of subjectivity. It is in that context that the idea of “the self [as] both made and explored with words” emerges. Diaries were personal and private; one would write for oneself, or, in Habermas’s formulation, one would make oneself public to oneself. By making the self public in a private sphere, the self also became an object for self-inspection and self-critique.
* disparate: 이질적인 ** render: 만들다
① use writing as a means of reflecting on oneself
② build one’s identity by reading others’ diaries
③ exchange feedback in the process of writing
④ create an alternate ego to present to others
⑤ develop topics for writing about selfhood
요지, 주제, 제목은 첫 문장에서 말하고자하는 부분을 생각
22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Urban delivery vehicles can be adapted to better suit the density of urban distribution, which often involves smaller vehicles such as vans, including bicycles. The latter have the potential to become a preferred ‘last-mile’ vehicle, particularly in high-density and congested areas. In locations where bicycle use is high, such as the Netherlands, delivery bicycles are also used to carry personal cargo (e.g. groceries). Due to their low acquisition and maintenance costs, cargo bicycles convey much potential in developed and developing countries alike, such as the becak (a three-wheeled bicycle) in Indonesia. Services using electrically assisted delivery tricycles have been successfully implemented in France and are gradually being adopted across Europe for services as varied as parcel and catering deliveries. Using bicycles as cargo vehicles is particularly encouraged when combined with policies that restrict motor vehicle access to specific areas of a city, such as downtown or commercial districts, or with the extension of dedicated bike lanes.
① 도시에서 자전거는 효율적인 배송 수단으로 사용될 수 있다.
② 자전거는 출퇴근 시간을 줄이기 위한 대안으로 선호되고 있다.
③ 자전거는 배송 수단으로의 경제적 장단점을 모두 가질 수 있다.
④ 수요자의 요구에 부합하는 다양한 용도의 자전거가 개발되고 있다.
⑤ 세계 각국에서는 전기 자전거 사용을 장려하는 정책을 추진하고 있다.
23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
An important advantage of disclosure, as opposed to more aggressive forms of regulation, is its flexibility and respect for the operation of free markets. Regulatory mandates are blunt swords; they tend to neglect diversity and may have serious unintended adverse effects. For example, energy efficiency requirements for appliances may produce goods that work less well or that have characteristics that consumers do not want. Information provision, by contrast, respects freedom of choice. If automobile manufacturers are required to measure and publicize the safety characteristics of cars, potential car purchasers can trade safety concerns against other attributes, such as price and styling. If restaurant customers are informed of the calories in their meals, those who want to lose weight can make use of the information, leaving those who are unconcerned about calories unaffected. Disclosure does not interfere with, and should even promote, the autonomy (and quality) of individual decision-making.
* mandate: 명령 ** adverse: 거스르는 *** autonomy: 자율성
① steps to make public information accessible to customers
② benefits of publicizing information to ensure free choices
③ strategies for companies to increase profits in a free market
④ necessities of identifying and analyzing current industry trends
⑤ effects of diversified markets on reasonable customer choices
24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Different parts of the brain’s visual system get information on a need-to-know basis. Cells that help your hand muscles reach out to an object need to know the size and location of the object, but they don’t need to know about color. They need to know a little about shape, but not in great detail. Cells that help you recognize people’s faces need to be extremely sensitive to details of shape, but they can pay less attention to location. It is natural to assume that anyone who sees an object sees everything about it ― the shape, color, location, and movement. However, one part of your brain sees its shape, another sees color, another detects location, and another perceives movement. Consequently, after localized brain damage, it is possible to see certain aspects of an object and not others. Centuries ago, people found it difficult to imagine how someone could see an object without seeing what color it is. Even today, you might find it surprising to learn about people who see an object without seeing where it is, or see it without seeing whether it is moving.
① Visual Systems Never Betray Our Trust!
② Secret Missions of Color-Sensitive Brain Cells
③ Blind Spots: What Is Still Unknown About the Brain
④ Why Brain Cells Exemplify Nature’s Recovery Process
⑤ Separate and Independent: Brain Cells’ Visual Perceptions
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Trends constantly suggest new opportunities for individuals to restage themselves, representing occasions for change. To understand how trends can ultimately give individuals power and freedom, one must first discuss fashion’s importance as a basis for change. The most common explanation offered by my informants as to why fashion is so appealing is ① [that it constitutes a kind of theatrical costumery]. (명사절의that 뒷 문장은 완전) Clothes are part of how people present ②them (받는 대상이 단수, 복수 확인 혹은 자기 자신인지 다른 대상인지 확인하는 문제) to the world, and fashion locates them in the present, relative to what is happening in society and to fashion’s own history. As a form of expression, fashion contains a host of ambiguities, <enabling individuals to recreate the meanings ③ associated (진짜/가짜동사 확인하는 문제) with specific pieces of clothing>. Fashion is among the simplest and cheapest methods of self-expression: clothes can be ④ inexpensively (동사를 수식하는 것은 부사) purchased while making it easy to convey notions of wealth, intellectual stature, relaxation or environmental consciousness, even if none of these is true. Fashion can also strengthen agency in various ways, ⑤ <opening up space for action> 분사구문으로 능동/수동확인.
* stature: 능력
이번 수능어법문제에서는 꾸준히 나왔던 접속사, 혹은 가까동사의 능동, 수동문제에서 벗어난 문제로 독해와 관련된 어법문제
30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3점]
어휘문제는 42번 문제 푸는 방식과 마친가지로 글의 제목을 생각해 보면서 풀어가야 한다.
Everywhere we turn we hear about almighty “cyberspace”! The hype promises that we will leave our boring lives, put on goggles and body suits, and enter some metallic, three-dimensional, multimedia otherworld. When the Industrial Revolution arrived with its great innovation, the motor, we didn’t leave our world to go to some ① remote motorspace! On the contrary, we brought the motors into our lives, as automobiles, refrigerators, drill presses, and pencil sharpeners. This ② absorption has been so complete that we refer to all these tools with names that declare their usage, not their “motorness.” These innovations led to a major socioeconomic movement precisely because they entered and ③ affected profoundly our everyday lives. People have not changed fundamentally in thousands of years. Technology changes constantly. It’s the one that must ④ adapt to us. That’s exactly what will happen with information technology and its devices under human-centric computing. The longer we continue to believe that computers will take us to a magical new world, the longer we will ⑤ maintain their natural fusion with our lives, the hallmark of every major movement that aspires to be called a socioeconomic revolution.
* hype: 과대광고 ** hallmark: 특징
혁신이 우리의 삶으로 들어올 때 우리는 그 혁신을 따라가기 위해 우리의 세상을 떠나는 것이 아니라 그 혁신을 우리의 삶의 부분으로 만들어 왔다는 글 내용
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