2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Week6_12강 8~11번 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.
< 구: 두 단어 이상 > [ 절: 접주동 ]
구안에 절이 들어갈 수 도 절안에 구가 들어갈 수도 있다. 덩어리를 잘 묶어 보면 문장이 어렵지 않게 보이기 시작한다.
< 명사구 > [ 명사절 ] < 형용사구 > [ 형용사절 ] < 부사구 > [ 부사절 ]
고딕체와 밑줄만 잘 보면 답이 보인다
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 전국 37개 학교
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 전국 37개 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 학교명 지역 고교유형 수시 정시 인원 용인외대부고 용인 전국자사고 28 38 66 대원외고 광진구 외고 24 21 45 중동고 강남 광역
[문제] 8 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Before you even think about the ploys [you may encounter in a negotiation] and the tactics [you may need to use to ① counter those ploys and to achieve your negotiation objectives], you need to know [who and what you’re up against]. Negotiations are 60% planning and preparation, 20% negotiating, and 20% timing, so making the ② investment in understanding your worthy adversary, the vendor, is a clear choice. While “adversary” may be a strong term in this era of “win-win,” — no matter how much you spin it — vendors definitely have ③ competing objectives with contract professionals such as yourself. Vendors want to maximize revenue, and you only want to pay a fair price. Vendors want to minimize their risk under a contract, and you want the vendor to ④ avoid a reasonable amount of the risk. Vendors want to be flexible and you want ⑤ commitments in writing. And that’s just a few of the conflicting goals.
* ploy: 책략 ** vendor: 매도인 *** spin: 그럴듯하게 표현하다
Content of the text: 협상에서 누구를 그리고 무엇을 상대하고 있는지 알아야 한다.
Tip for finding answers: Vendors want to minimize their risk under a contract, and you want the vendor to ④ avoid a reasonable amount of the risk. 매도인은 계약서하에 위험을 최소화하기를 원하고, 당신은 매도인이 적절한 위험을 부담하기를 원한다의 내용이 맞다. 따라서 avoid를 bear로 바꾸어야 한다.
[문제] 9 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Rather, there was a mutation in the gene for the particular enzyme, and this change in the gene altered the enzyme’s structure, such that it was no longer able to do its job of making ascorbic acid molecules.
Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is an essential component of the human diet. Yet your cat, your dog or your sheep, goat, or pet rat doesn’t have the same need to consume it in their food. They can make it themselves, having the necessary enzymes to synthesize it. ( ① ) The reason why it is a vitamin for humans is that, sometime in our primate past, our ancestors lost the enzyme required to synthesize ascorbic acid. ( ② ) This ancestor wasn’t careless; it didn’t actually lose the enzyme. ( ③ ) However, [although it could no longer make ascorbic acid molecules], there was no disadvantage to this ancestor because it was already consuming plenty of ascorbic acid in its food. ( ④ ) At that particular time, ascorbic acid went from being an optional component of this animal’s diet to being an essential component. ( ⑤ ) This was the moment that ascorbic acid became vitamin C.
Content of the text: 인간 식단의 필수적인 구성요소인 비타민 C (아스코르브산)
[문제] 10 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
One study taught four- and five-year-olds novel facts about animals, such as that tiger stripes provide “camouflage.” Most of the children did not know any of the facts, yet when later asked how long they had known the just-learned information, they often claimed they had always known it or had known for as long as they could remember. Adults can make similar mistakes through hindsight bias, but children err much more frequently. However, even when children fail, they reveal sophisticated assumptions about the nature of knowledge itself. They commit the “knew it all along” effect more often for statements about categories of things than for statements about individuals (Dogs get sick after eating carbamates vs. Last night, this dog got sick after eating carbamates). This category effect reflects an early belief that category knowledge is more likely to be common knowledge. If you think a certain kind of knowledge is more likely to be widely shared, you tend to assume you have always known it as well.
* camouflage: 위장 ** carbamate: 카르밤산염
When children are asked about just-learned information, they tend to (A) that they have known it all along, which is especially (B) for category knowledge compared to individual knowledge, reflecting their beliefs that a certain kind of knowledge is more likely to be shared.
(A) (B)
① assert …… prominent
② assert …… ineffective
③ deny …… powerful
④ deny …… typical
⑤ pretend …… insignificant
Content of the text: hindsight bias(사후 확신 편향): 범주 지식에 대한 아이들의 사후 확신 편향에 관한 글
Tip for finding answers: [When children are asked about just-learned information], they tend to (A) that they have known it all along, which is especially (B) for category knowledge compared to individual knowledge, reflecting their beliefs [that a certain kind of knowledge is more likely to be shared].
[문제] 11 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A key to social achievement, both personally and professionally, is someone understanding their own personality before they attempt to analyze others’. Assessing personality can help someone learn where they can push themselves and where their absolute limits are. For example, introverts tend to thrive on quiet, alone time. They often need time to process the day and think through upcoming tasks. Knowing this, an introvert can (A) expand / limit their social exposure so they are never overworked when interacting with others. They can schedule times in the day to sit in quiet reflection and gather their thoughts before going back into the world. Extroverts, however, thrive on interacting with others. If they were stuck in the house alone all day, it would likely be a (B) horrible / wonderful day for them. Even extroverts [who are shy in conversations] can meet their social needs by going to (C) private / public places. Sitting in a coffee shop or walking around a mall can simulate the interactive experience and might quell the extrovert’s need for other people.
* introvert: 내향적인 사람 ** extrovert: 외향적인 사람 *** quell: 가라앉히다
(A) (B) (C)
① expand …… horrible …… private
② expand …… wonderful …… private
③ limit …… horrible …… private
④ limit …… wonderful …… public
⑤ limit …… horrible …… public
Content of the text: 자신의 성격이 내향적인지 외향적인지 아는 것이 사회적 성취의 비결
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