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2024학년도 수능 영어 32번 빈칸 문제, 키워드, 풀이

by 케미1004 2023. 11. 23.

2024학년도 수능 영어 32번 빈칸문제에 대해 키워드를 통해 글 내용을 알아보고 풀이 과정을 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

문제 32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

N Solution English



A musical score within any film can add an additional layer to the film text, [which goes beyond simply imitating the action viewed].


In films [that tell of futuristic worlds], composers, much like sound designers, have added freedom <to create a world [that is unknown and new to the viewer]>.


However, unlike sound designers, composers often shy away from creating unique pieces [that reflect these new worlds] and often present musical scores [that possess familiar structures and cadences].


While it is possible [that this may interfere with creativity and a sense of space and time], it in fact __________________.


Through recognizable scores, visions of the future or a galaxy far, far away can be placed within a recognizable context.


Such familiarity allows the viewer to be placed in a comfortable space [so that the film may then lead the viewer to what is an unfamiliar, but acceptable vision of a world different from their own].

*score: 악보 **cadence: (율동적인) 박자




1. 키워드: film, musical score, new, creativity. familiarity


2. 풀이: 영화와 음악 악보에 대해 언급을 하고 있다. 작곡가는 새로움과 창의성등의 것들은 멀리하려는 경향이 있고 익숙한 구조의 악보를 사용하여 영화에 접근성하려는 경향이 있다는 것을  언급하고 있다.  작곡가는 익숙함을 통해 영화를 보는 사람들을 편안한 상태로 놓으려고 한다는 글이다.


3. 정답

frees the plot of its familiarity

aids in viewer access to the film

adds to an exotic musical experience

orients audiences to the film’s theme

inspires viewers to think more deeply