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2024년 수능 영어 33번 빈칸 문제, 키워드, 풀이, 정답

by 케미1004 2023. 11. 24.

2024학년도 수능 영어 33번 빈칸문제에 대해 키워드를 통해 글 내용을 알아보고 풀이 과정을 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

문제 33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3]

"When clicked, the image enlarges."


There have been psychological studies <in which subjects were shown photographs of people’s faces and asked to identify the expression or state of mind evinced>.


The results are invariably very mixed. In the 17th century, the French painter and theorist Charles Le Brun drew a series of faces <illustrating the various emotions [that painters could be called upon to represent]>.


[What is striking about them] is [that ________________________]. [What is missing in all this] is any setting or context <to make the emotion determinate>.


We must know [who this person is, who these other people are, what their relationship is, what is at stake in the scene, and the like].


In real life as well as in painting we do not come across just faces; we encounter people in particular situations and our understanding of people cannot somehow be precipitated and held <isolated from the social and human circumstances <in which they, and we, live and breathe and have our being>>.

*evince: (감정 따위를) 분명히 나타내다 **precipitate: 촉발하다


1. keywords: face, emotion, setting (= circumstances), and context.


2. 풀이: 사람들의 얼굴 표정은 상황, 문맥별로 달라질수 있다. 사람들의 얼굴을 보여주며 심리적인 상태를 식별해 보라는 글 내용으로 시작해서 사람들의 얼굴은 어떤 환경과 맥락에 따라 감정의 표현이 달라질 수 있는데, 단지 화가들이 표현해줄 것을 요청받은 다양한 감정을 얼굴을 그렸을 때 환경이나 맥락 없이 그려진 감정표현의 얼굴들은 서로 대체 될 수 있었다는 글 내용이다.


3. 정답

① all of them could be matched consistently with their intended emotions

every one of them was illustrated with photographic precision

each of them definitively displayed its own social narrative

most of them would be seen as representing unique characteristics

any number of them could be substituted for one another without loss