2025학년도 수능특강 영어독해연습 Mini Test 3 빈칸 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.
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2025학년도 경찰대와 사관학교 모집인원, 시험일정
경찰대학, 4개 사관학교 2025학년도 입시에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 2025학년도 경찰대와 사관학교의 시험일정은 중복되지 않아 중복지원이 가능합니다. 이로 인해 2025학년도 입시는 작년 경쟁률에
[문제] 14 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Science often even determines [what becomes an environmental issue in the first place]. Several of the most serious environmental problems, such as the transport of toxic pollutants over long distances, depletion of the ozone layer, and climate change, were only recognized as problems [once scientists had described them]. Indeed, the view that an issue only exists once science has described it is common in environmental politics. For instance, I am writing this on a hot September day, the air tinted an unhealthy orange. The Ontario provincial government has just announced it will upgrade its air quality monitoring network. It already measures ground-level ozone, which, as a product of hot days and chemical reactions in the atmosphere, is usually a problem only in summer. Soon the network will also measure fine particulates, which may be present throughout the year. As a result, the television reporter explained, poor air quality days may now occur at any time of the year. In effect, “poor air quality” has become a state [that only exists [once it can be measured scientifically]]. Such is the of science in environmental affairs.
* depletion: 감소, 고갈 ** tint: 물들이다, 빛깔을 내다 *** fine particulate: 미세 먼지
① myth ② mistake ③ authority ④ optimism ⑤ ignorance
2025학년도 사관학교와 경찰대 전형방법 (우선선발/종합선발)
2025학년도 사관학교와 경찰대 전형방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 사관학교 시험은 우선선발과 종합선발로 구분되는데 1차 시험 등수가 일정 배수 내에 든 합격자에 한해 2차 시험을 치를고 1, 2차
[문제] 15 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
The temptation and desire of some parents <to take advantage of and overstimulate unusual abilities of their children> cause some children to . This is apparent in the pride of the father and mother who tell of a child who never used “baby talk” but pronounced words with clarity from an early period, or who boast of a child who was trained to bladder control before the first few months were over. These are samples of achievements of questionable value, as they are not natural for the level of development at which the child was. Too frequently such a child will begin to talk “baby talk” or develop enuresis when he is four or five years old, much to the discouragement of the parents who had come to regard their child as “grown up.” An unhappy, neurotic girl of fourteen formulated her major complaint as being [that she was “born too soon],” and it was true that she never had had the chance to be an infant, which fact, in turn, distorted the satisfactions of being a child.
* bladder: 방광 ** enuresis: 야뇨증 *** neurotic: 신경과민의
① act out in demanding ways
② control their parents’ behavior
③ lose interest in going to school
④ try doing what they are told not to
⑤ be rushed through infancy too rapidly
[문제] 16 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
You can learn a lot by paying deliberate attention to your reactions as you read. If you find a paper particularly easy or pleasurable to read, what made it so? What wording, structure, or graphics did you think were effective? If you found a paper hard, what elements made you struggle? Can you imagine a change that would have made the writing clearer? Steven Pinker offers some concrete examples of this way of reading. Make notes about examples of effective or ineffective writing and save them in a folder for later reference. When you write, imitate what you liked and avoid re-creating what you didn’t. Actually, doing this deliberately is just ever since you learned to read. Just as children develop an ear for spoken language by listening to their families, friends, and neighbors — and therefore speak with a vocabulary and accent that can pinpoint their origins decades later — so you develop an ear for written language by reading. Things [you’ve liked as a reader] will naturally crop up in your writing, but you can greatly accelerate the process with some conscious attention to the matter.
* crop up: (불쑥) 나타나다
① a way you’ve been coming up with novel ideas
② a part of your natural talent that you’ve suppressed
③ a skill you’ve learned from other people’s feedback
④ an extension of what you’ve been doing subconsciously
⑤ a strategy you’ve been using to find the main points of papers
[문제] 17 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
At least since the end of the eighteenth century, . The world of the early 2020s, no matter how unjust it may seem, is more egalitarian than that of 1950 or that of 1900, which were themselves in many respects more egalitarian than those of 1850 or 1780. The precise developments vary depending on the period, and on whether we are studying inequalities between social classes defined by legal status, ownership of the means of production, income, education, national or ethno-racial origin. But over the long term, no matter which criterion we employ, we arrive at the same conclusion. Between 1780 and 2020, we see developments tending toward greater equality of status, property, income, genders, and races within most regions and societies on the planet, and to a certain extent when we compare these societies on the global scale. If we adopt a global, multidimensional perspective on inequalities, we can see that, in several respects, this advance toward equality has also continued during the period from 1980 to 2020, which is more complex and mixed than is often thought.
* egalitarian: 평등한
① history has repeated itself multiple times
② egalitarian countries have enjoyed greater stability
③ there has been a historical movement toward equality
④ production, education, and status have been treated equally
⑤ individual freedom has been valued over equality and justice